Chapter 2: Humans

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Jimins eyes widened even more. "So then why are you guys together then?" He asked the alpha

"We've known each other since we were kids. Our parents wanted us together, and we agreed to keep our parents happy," he explained

Jimin nodded in understanding "ah I see... so why did you move here of all places?" He asked curiously as they walked

"My mom found a new job here. I know nothing exciting." He teased a little, causing giggles to escape the omegas' mouth.

"That's okay, not every mysterious new kid needs a super cool backstory," he teased right back in return alpha smiled and leaned closer towards the omega, "Your an interesting omega aren't you"

Jimin smiled. "I guess I've never really thought I was all that interesting though," he said, shrugging a bit as they sat down at their desks

"Well, you caught my attention," Jungkook said casually as a tinted color formed on jimins cheeks, causing jungkook to smirk a little he knew what he was doing

Jimin giggled "your a flirt." He responded as class began not giving jungkook time to respond

After class was over, jimin waited for the raven haired alpha to come with him

Jungkook smiled and went over to Jimin. "Do I get to meet your friends?" He asked curiously

"Friends? Oh, right yeah, I have two friends, Jin and hoseok. Jin is an alpha he's already mated, though. However
Hoseok is an omega, but he's trying to court Taehyung and yoongi the two alphas over there, " he said, pointing at Taehyung and yoongi

"He's the asshole that smacked your ass though," jimin nodded "indeed taehyung has feelings for me, but I don't like him he's not my mate."

Jungkook nodded in understanding. Soon, they met up with jimins friends, "Hey guys," jimin said, smiling a bit

"Hey Minnie, who's your friend?" Jin asked as he back hugged his omega "oh he's jungkook he just moved from Busan!"

"Hey, isn't that your hometown, Minnie?" Hoseok asked jimin, nodding as jungkook tilted his head."You're from Busan too?"

"Yes indeed! But we moved here when I was a baby, so it doesn't really count, " jimin explained as they walked to the cafeteria jimins nose picked up on human scent, and his ears went down in fear

Jimin was terrified of humans ever since he was a pup "since when they allow humans here..."

Jungkook noticed the change in behavior "oh didn't you see on the news that they're allowing humans into werewolf schools now?" Jin said softly and sighed since he knew jimin was afraid of humans

Jungkook kept Jimin close to him protectively. "I won't let anyone hurt you," he whispered softly into the omegas ear, and that alone seemed to calm the omega down

"Yes, alpha," he mumbled in submission and hid behind him. jungkook smiled when the omega called him alpha as a human walked up to them

"Hey, can I sit with you guys... we have the same class, and I don't know where else to sit

   Jimin froze and looked up at jungkook "sure why not!" Hoseok said, earning a glare from the two alphas causing his ears to go down in submission

  But the human smiled. "I'm Beomgyu  it's nice to meet you!" He said  excitedly  hoseok smiled widely. "You too!"

  Jimin stayed hidden behind jungkook, and he whimpered a little, causing an alert to jungkooks inner alpha, which he didn't know why since he's never felt the need to protect an omega before

   Hoseok smiled even more. "I've never met a human before, but our omega over here is terrified of humans, so be careful with him."

Beomgyu nodded. "Is that his alpha that he's hiding behind?' Hoseok shook his head 'hasn't been determined yet. jungkook is actually new to the school today, too." He explained

Beomgyu nodded again, though he was still confused, but he didn't say anything."he's a beautiful omega." Hoseok nodded in agreement "that he is. Anyways, wanna hang out with us after school? Jimin and Kook won't be there it will just be me, Jin and his mate.

"Ah okay yeah sure!" He said excitedly  as the bell rang for their next classes

At the end of the day jimin was feeling very anxious as he waited for jungkook once jungkook arrived jimin went to him

"Kookie let's go!!" He said excitedly as he dragged jungkook out of the building 

Jungkook chuckled and ruffled his hair  as jimin giggled

After a while jimin took him to an old record  shop where they had everything from NCT to ACDC

"This is my favorite place and surprisingly I'm here mainly for the  Elvis CDs but I figured you may like some of the music here" the omega explained before he started wondering off

Jungkook smiled "it's a cute place" he said softly as he started looking through the albums on the tables.

"Also this isn't the only place I wanna take you" jimin explained "but after this we will stop by my house if that's okay "

Jungkook nodded since he just wanted to spend as much time as possible with the omega.

Chapter 2 complete

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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