Chapter 14

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Both Reinhard and Hope had just come back from the carnival to the car just when Reinhard suddenly looked up.

"What is it?" Hope questioned

"Our ride" Reinhard answered

Above in space, a large spaceship could be seen coming to a halt near the planet.

Above in space, a large spaceship could be seen coming to a halt near the planet

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Inside the ship, an angry voice shouted 

"What do you mean it's not on board?!" The shout came from the ship's captain, the alien standing at about 11 feet. She had menacing red eyes, wearing dark red armor. She was the ruler of the Chimera Sui Generis race. Conquer of 10 planets. Vilgara

"Sensor indicates that a probe was ejected just before boarding

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"Sensor indicates that a probe was ejected just before boarding. It landed on the planet below" The machine crew member explained causing Vilgara to growl in annoyance and anger. She looked back at a mercenary tetrax shard.

"Retrieve it" She order tetrax shard who walked away vilgara turned around to order the drone only for something to hit her ship, rocking it.

"What was that?!" Vilgara demanded

"Something hit the ship" the drone answered

"No shit you fucking glitch!! What hit the ship?!" She shouted at the drone.

"Knock Knock" A voice echoed throughout the ship

"Who's there?!" Vilgara accidentally answered the joke

"Hawaii" The voice echoed

"Hawaii who?" Vilgara looked confused

"I'm Good, How are you?" The voice laughed while Vilgara blinked in confusion

"Show yourself!" She demanded annoyed by the intruder. Hearing only laughter she turned towards a screen and checked the entire ship for life signature. 

"Got you now! Your...right behind me?" She looked behind her but saw no one, she looked all around but she could see no one. Unknown to her Reinhard was the one who intruded on her spaceship and was hiding in her blind spots. His eyes landed on something.

'DAMN!' He looked at her ass with wide eyes.

'Now that's an ass' He thought but his moment of distraction caused Vilgara to find him luckily for him she didn't catch him staring at her ass. 

"Who are you?!" Vilgara demanded

"Now it's rude to ask someone their name before introducing yourself" Reinhard commented 

"This is my ship!" Vilgara argued she grabbed him by his collar and pulled him close.

"Now answer who are you and what are you doing on my ship?" Vilgara growled the question

"Your pretty cute close up close" Reinhard commented

Vilgara's eyes widen upon hearing the comment never in her life had anyone called her cute, she knew what the term meant. She slammed Reinhard into the floor, Vilgara had a blush on her face but she quickly controlled herself.

"I should throw you out right now!" She threatens him 

"Aren't you just rude? Anyhow I have a proposition for you~" The golden head offered 

"I refuse" Vilgara declined the offered 

"Even though you what the Omnitrix" His words caught her attention

"Where is it?! Hand it over!!" Vilgara picked Reinhard up and started to shake him back and forth

"You won't get it like this" Reinhard told her

"I have plenty of other ways" She threatened him again

"Again with the threatening? Using the same method over and over again losses its value" 

"You want to hear the easy way?" Reinhard offered

"Speak" Vilgara demanded

"Fight me" She looked confused as Reinhard explained further

"Fight me and win, you get to choose where we fight. There is only one rule to the fight there will be no outside interference in any way other than that anything goes~" Reinhard gave the condition.

"What will I get if I win?" She questioned him

"If you win, you get the Omnitrix however if I win, I get your spaceship and crew, how about it?" She narrowed her eyes at this

"I accept" Reinhard smiled at her answer

"But till our fight, you are my prisoner" She started to walk towards one of the cells.

"Sure It's a pretty impressive spaceship. I wouldn't mind staying here a little longer~" Reinhard spoke with a playful grin.

" Cease your ridiculous banter!" Vilgara spoke 

"Now Now no need to be so serious all the time~" Reinhard chuckled 

"You sure are cute. You have a boyfriend?" Reinhard asked playfully 

"S-Stop calling me that!" Vilgara shouted with a blush one 

"Stop calling you what?" He teased

"You know!" She shouted in embarrassment, surely many have called her strong, cunning, ruthless, and beautiful even but no one has ever called her cute. It was new and embarrassing to her. 

"I know what?" Reinhard pushed

"Cute! Stop calling me cute!!" Vilgara shouted with a flustered face.

"But you are cute" Reinhard spoke

Vilgara just looked away feeling too embarrassed. So they reached a door that opened up Reinhard saw inside that it was a guest room. 

"I thought we were going to the cell section," Reinhard asked

"I changed my mind" Vilgara crossed her arms and looked away.

"You're concerned for me~ So cute~~" Reinhard teased her causing her to blush again

"You are not permitted to leave the room. We will have our fight in 4 hours" She told him and started to walk away. Reinhard entered the room and lay down on the bed. 

Reinhard looked up to see a quest for him.


[Eat your way to the Top]

[Objective - Become the strongest in the quest universe]

[Objective 2 - Eat all manner of species]

[Objective 3 - Become the strongest without your Kryptonian stats]

[Objective 4 - Hone your current skills to their highest potential] 

[Reward 1 - ???]

[Reward 2 - ???]

[Reward 3 - ???]

[Reward 4 - ???]

[Note - The time in the Ben 10 Multiverse will Freeze. So the host can come back after the quest is finished]


Reinhard grinned and pressed accept, everything around him froze and became colorless black and white. A golden portal opened next to the bed, he got up and went through it. 

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