
896 11 2

word count: 390
jj shows up to your door step with him and kie's baby, but no kie.
this was requested a while ago.. but i forget who im sorry !

i hear a loud knock at the door and check the time, 1:45 am. 'who the hell is here?' i say to myself as i drag my feet against the hardwood floor as i sleepily make my way to the front door. i unlock the door, checking the peephole to see who it was.

"jj?" i question as i rub my eyes, since i just woke up. i saw him with tears in his eyes as he had his baby in his arms.
"y/n! i'm so sorry to show up like this but kie left.. and kicked me out, she left the baby with me too." he says as he sniffles, i let him come in the house. when did him and kie have a baby?

"i'm so sorry jay. you can stay here for as long as you need." i mutter as i turn the living room light on and grab some blankets and pillows. my apartment was one bedroom and small, so we had to compromise a bit.

"do you need anything? water? food? clothes?" i ask him gently as i set down a few blankets and pillows on the couch. he shakes his head no, before speaking "can i use your shower?" as he puts his baby on the couch, i look at him then at the baby.

"yea of course, um, what's your baby's name?" i ask a little embarrassed, i never even knew him and kie had a baby together. let alone they even dated. he looks up at me, "skylar, well you can call her sky." i smile at him as i point to where the bathroom is. i sit next to sky and gently pick her up.

"hi sky sky!" i say as she was wide awake, she smiles at me. she looks so much like kie it's crazy. i play with her for a little while jj takes a shower. sky babbles a little, she doesn't even seem a year old yet.

authors note:
hi, sorry this is so short !!
please leave requests in my request chapter, i'm in desperate need for some now that i'm back.
hope you enjoy !

𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤; imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now