Chapter 1

19 1 3

It was a rainy Thursday morning, drenched, I walked my way inside of the school. Voices filled the hallways as I silently made my way through the corridor. Finding my classroom only halfway down the hall, I walk through the tall door frame. A few eyes took a quick glance to see that it was just me who entered the room. They quickly went back to what they were doing.

My homeroom teacher gave me a small wave as he noticed I had come in. He held his phone up to his ear, and I assumed by his tone that he was speaking with his wife. Telling her he had made it to school safely and had already missed her.

I gave a small nod in response to his wave, acknowledging his hello before I took my seat in the middle of the room. I sat my bag down on the floor and opened it to grab my school laptop to start on my morning tasks.

More kids started piling into the classroom as the clock got closer and closer to our first bell of the day. Some kids, like myself, were filling out their lunch forms and some were being obnoxiously loud. There was some ranting about the upcoming sports games, and the others were talking about how they dreaded the rain.

I, on the other hand, just stayed quiet. I checked my emails, filled out my lunch form, and even sent an email to one of my project partners. I don't like sending emails, however this one had to be sent since they're refusing to help out on our science project. Basically I explained that I won't be the only one to work on this, since it required both people. I should email my teacher about the situation but I can do that later.

Soon enough our beginning bell rang. Kids hurriedly made their way into the room as my teacher hung up the phone.

"Good morning everyone!" my teacher greeted as he set his phone on his desk.

A few kids responded with a mumbled "good morning."

He gave a quick glance over the classroom, "Today we've got a couple things happening through-out our day. First off, I'll need you all to make sure you have your lunch forms filled out," he gives an "I know you haven't done it yet" kind of look towards Jess.

Jess then immediately pulled out his laptop.

"Alright," the teacher started again, "Second, you all should pay close attention to the announcements today. We have our field trip tomorrow and rules will be stated over the PA."

One kid boos.

The teacher ignored this and continued, "Finally in social studies we will be starting another group project. And sorry to disappoint but I'll be picking the groups."

Multiple people, if not the entire class, groans.

"Why can't we choose Mr. Harris?"

"I want to work with Abby!"

"I want to work alone."

The responses varied.

I just accepted my fate.

"I'm choosing, that is final," Mr. Harris confirmed.

Everyone let out a final groan before the PA system beeped for announcements. Mr. Harris directed us to pay attention.

"Good morning students! Today is Thursday, September 19th. Today's lunch will be macaroni and cheese with either green beans or baby carrots. Including a fruit cup and a cookie for dessert."

There was a moment of silence for people to celebrate mac n cheese day.

For context it was well loved by us students, and the teachers knew us very well.

"Friendly reminder that tomorrow is our middle school field trip. All middle school classes will be boarding the buses at 8:15 am. You will all be given 25 minutes to start your day."

Another teacher takes over the announcements. It's our science teacher, Ms. Asher.

"Middle schoolers, please be sure you dress for the cool weather. And make sure you bring this list of items. You all have been sent emails about what you need to know for tomorrow, but I'll say it now anyways. I know a few of you don't read your emails," she chuckles.

Then she took a breath before continuing, "The list includes: cold lunches, a water bottle, sweatshirts, money for concessions and if you'd like you may bring extra for the souvenir stands nearby. It will be windy, so I urge you guys to bring a jacket and if you wish you may bring a blanket. All of your items may be stored in a backpack."

The office lady was now back on the PA, "And highschoolers, tomorrow you will all be heading to the elementary school to help with their reading groups. Emails have all been sent explaining your groups and details. I believe that is everything now, have a good day everyone!"

The PA system clicks as the announcements are over.

Silence, finally. It was just a lot of information spewed into the PA microphone, making it difficult for me to pay attention. Thankfully emails exist so that's a definite help.

Our teacher smiles, "Alright everyone, please check your emails regarding the field trip tomorrow. If you have questions you can email me or come up and talk to me after classes or on any of your breaks."

Keys on the laptops could be heard through-out the room. People searched for the email, just to find it right at the top. It had listed things we can and cannot bring, such as how much stuff costs or a rough estimate, times of events, etcetera. It was a long email to say the least.

As we were all looking at our screens, Mr. Harris was taking attendance. Surprisingly everyone was here today. A lot of people liked to not show up, but for once everyone was here. How shocking, though I do guess their parents made them come for field trip info.

Mr. Harris took a loud sip of his coffee before clearing his throat to get our attention.

"Okay, during this period we're going to determine groups for social studies so you guys have more time to work. So if you all may, please direct your attention to the front of the room at the smart board. We will be using the wheel."

On the board was a wheel filled with our names. Of course mine was still my legal name, but to be fair I haven't come out yet. It felt so weird to see "Faye" and not "Felix." The only person who actually knew was my childhood friend, Cole.

The wheel was spun, choosing the first name. A short jingle played as Beckett's name is displayed. The teacher spins it again, revealing that Beckett's second partner will be Jewels. It's then spun again, and their final partner is Ava.

The process continues. In the 4th group my name is the first to be chosen. It's spun again.


Wesley is in the group.


It's spun for the final time, and our final group member is Moss. With Wesley, this project was going to be a mess.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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