Chapter 1-A Messy Beginning

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"Alrighty kids, time to settle down now," Mr Turner asserts the class, before setting his coffee mug down on the desk and writing in large, scrawny letters a few notes on 'Human Contact with our Natural Environment Today'.
This statement, however, does not change the class' hectic atmosphere at all; it seems to perhaps worsen the situation. The room gets louder as the class becomes rowdy. Boys start playfully kicking and punching each other, while girls spritz bottles of hairspray by the tonne on to their hair, admiring themselves in compact cases, as if they were the only girls in the whole entire classroom.
It was just another day at Hill Valley High School, 1985.

I was seated in the middle of the classroom, towards the far right, probably not the best of places to sit as Johnny and his buddies kept peeling of posters and things off the brick walls to glue on to Samantha's or my chair.
"Hey Sam, I think we should've sat closer to the teacher," I utter, glancing at the boys behind us.
"No, really?" She replies sarcastically. I nudge her with a smile, just as Louis Moore leans in from the seat behind us, sneering with his buddies.
"Hey, hey, hey ladies, I hear you two talkin' about us over here, eh?" His mint breath overkills my nasal cavity.
"Oh no Louis," Samantha chirps in. "We weren't talking about you; we were talking about how frustrated your girlfriend would be if we told her you were trying to pick us up."
Samantha flicks her blonde, flowing mane back to the black-board as Louis' group snigger and make teasing remarks towards him.
"Get real Samantha, like she has any idea what could be going on between me and her besties, let alone you!"
Sam sighs, "Don't make me tell her Louis." She eyes the board and begins writing down its content. I start to follow her but Louis hits me up as well. Jesus, like his grades were bad already, why does he want to get me involved?
"So what's your take on this _{your name}_? Fancy being mine?" He says jokingly, flashing me a sharp, white smile, but I still take the conversation quite seriously.
"I think you should get a move on, sir's going to pick up on you."

Louis looks around all surprised and stuff, mocking me, and his friends start kicking him in the shins sneering, also mockingly. "Sir? Oh Sir? Oh my I hope I haven't disturbed his wise teachings. You know what, you'll see. What could a stupid coot like..."
He never finishes this statement, as the class hushes considerably and Mr Turner looks Louis dead in the eye. Good thing too I guess, that monkey boy was getting on my nerves. "I'll tell you what I can do Moore, and that is give you a detention after class if you don't shut it and work." His eyes shift to the rest of the class. I move nervously in my seat. "That goes for all of you, start writing this down!" He turns around on his heel and begins writing once again.
Louis' friends continue to snicker, however the teacher's eyes glaze sternly over them, and they don't make a peep until the end of the lesson.
Then of course it's chaos as usual.
But this wasn't to be unexpected, as today was Friday, and Geography is the last lesson of the week.

* * *

"2-7-8" I mutter to the lock on my locker, as I turn and twist it to reveal behind the cold, metal door my untidy mess.
"Ah, no-" I begin. Everything tumbles out. "Samantha. Samantha could you give me a hand?"
Samantha peers up from her dainty pastel nails, and quickly rushes over to the grip on my books and little knick-knacks. Half a packet of skittles slips from my slippery hands and onto the ground.
"Gee _{Y.N.}_, does this happen often on school days for you? Maybe I could help you one time with what you should chuck and what you should keep." The locker looks a little more orderly by now. Everything is back in it's cluttered disposition.
"Nah, it's fine." I chuckle, primping my _{H.C}_, voluminous curls in the mirror on the inside of my locker. "Besides, I'll probably need all these notes anyway; finals are so close I can practically taste them."
"What do they taste like?"
"Pretty bland." I smile meekly. Bad joke. But who's listening?
I pick up the small, vibrant, candy cluster from the ground. "Want some?" I gesture towards Samantha.
"Yeah just a little bit."
Spilling a couple of bright lollies into her hand, then a couple in mine, I seal the bag up, and then place the packet back into the locker. Closing and locking it, we make our way down the stairs to the school's front quad to walk home.

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