Hanging out with the losers

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Y/n and the group where sitting on the bank of the quarry on a walk summer afternoon. They had just been swimming in the water and now had set up a picnic on the sand. Y/n and Bev where sunbathing in their underwear. Y/n felt the boys eyes on Y/p the entire time but Y/p was used to it. Y/n low key liked the attention they got for their confidence and, they hoped, their looks. "Hay!" Richie, your bf, said elbowing Bill, "eyes off her." Y/n smiled to them self at how protective boyfriend was.
   Bev sat up and Y/n could see the boys heads snap to look in any direction but the girls. Bev giggled as Y/n and stood up. "Does anyone want to get back into the water with me?" Y/n asked. Richie immediately stood up. "Me!" He said, a little too urgently. "Ok," Y/n say, taking Richie's hand "anyone else?"
"I think there good!" Richie says pulling Y/n down to the waters edge. Y/n laugh at his reaction to the cold and they paddle their way in until their waist, deep.
      Richie splashes towards them and Y/n knows what's about to happen. Richie pounces on Y/n and they both fall into the water. Y/n push Richie off and they flick their hair from out of their face. "Damn you look hot when your wet" Richie smiles to himself whilst checking you out. "Hay!" Y/n giggles and nudges Richie shoulder, then smiles "wet in what way?" Richie chuckles "you know" before pulling Y/n in by the waist for their lips to meet.

I'm super stumped for more ideas so plz leave some comments and feed back is super appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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