A Proposal

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Red wasn't his color after all.

Boruto realized, glancing at his bloody hands as he sighed.

Boy, this was no surprise. After a successful and quiet 'peaceful' seven-month-long mission, he didn't expect to run into a pretty lady surrounded by a bunch of robbers in the middle of the forest now, did he?

But well, at least it was a good diversion from the pain-taking exhaustion, and boredom he was facing on his way back to the village.

Might as well save a princess or two while he's at it.

A scream echoed.

Boruto jumped. A shuriken struck past right next to his left cheek, giving the whiskered skin a tiny little scratch.

"Up there!!" A man yelled beneath him as more and more shuriken flew past him at crazy speed.

Blue eyes zeroed in on the first attacker as he bent swiftly, throwing a smoke bomb in return.

Boruto moved. Gushing through the forest like wind as he grabbed the red-haired chic in front of him.

Red-haired and ready to punch him in the face.

" Let me go!" And indeed the fist almost landed right on his face. The blonde sighed in deep annoyance.

"Oi. Calm down I'm helping you ya'know."

Miho peered at Boruto tensely but decided to listen nonetheless. What was the other option anyway?

She vividly recalled brewing her favorite tea in her red cup a day before, at dawn. It resembled a lot like a little ladybug.

Insects intrigued her, especially ladybugs. They symbolized good health and prosperity in her culture. She liked the color they wore.

Listening to a slow sweet melody that her mother had recorded, and painting orange flaming fires on her white canvas, it was just another peaceful day in her life, nothing out of the ordinary.

Nothing, until their father had shown the decency to write to her. Finally.

She'd waited for the letter for a good 6 months. Half a year and her father hadn't shown her his face.
Well, at least he took her sister with him. Doing God knows what.

The letter was delivered by their family hawk, again nothing out of the ordinary.
Kept safely 'away' from her art supplies, the head maid had specifically warned her not to open it with her hands all dirty.

She could recall the floral little stamp on top of the scroll.
Uncharacteristic of him, but her father was somewhat fond of flowery patterns and colognes.

It wasn't until afternoon that she'd come to know that it wasn't an emotional heart-to-heart conversation kind of shit.

Hell, she would've gauged her eyes out if that were true.

'Invite' would be too soft of a word to refer to it. Given the contents of the paper

It was a summon.

And she was expected to show her face within two fucking days. All they way to the hidden leafe.

A njnja village.

Now that was something only her father could do.

And didn't even send an escort.
Yes, definitely the man who made her mother pop her out into this world.

Ever since she was a kid, she had always disliked the ninja. He knew that.
They kept her father busy and almost completely absent during her and her sister's whole childhood.

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