a Cry for Help

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Famous Detective, Susano, woke up to a call from the police department. He was needed for a case about theft, even though he only investigates more major crimes, it wouldn't hurt to investigate something so easy. The stolen items were different types of drugs, though Susano's expertise wasn't drugs, and he had never taken a case on them before, so he started with the pharmacy the drugs were stolen from.

It was a small family owned business, that he recognized because of their frequent visits to the police department, they visit regularly to renew their permit to sell medicinal drugs.

"Hello ma'am!" he walked to the counter "We got your report that some items were stolen and if you don't mind, could you answer a few questions?" "Thank the stars! I would love to answer some questions, business has been slow today" the elderly woman giggled a bit. "Do you know anything about the culprit?" "yes, he was wearing a woman's kimono. I think he had a fake fox tail as well." "could you see his face?" "No, sorry, he had a kitsune mask on, but I did see his antenna" "antenna?" "yes, like an insect!" "thank you ma'am, this is some really valuable information!"

The description sounded like a member of a the Foxsire, specifically their leader. He had been in the police department on multiple occasions but never actually got arrested. Rumor has it that he allowed the officers to use his body for pleasure, which wasn't unlikely due to the incompetence of the officers who thought with their balls instead of their brains, but most of them aren't gay, so it was kind of odd.

That night, Susano spotted the insect-like mafia boss without his mask, and sneakily followed him, until he stopped. "I know you're there" he said in a mocking tone. "Why did you steal those drugs?" "I have no reason to do such." "Your mafia is known for it's illegal prostitution, you're drugging those women" "false, I'm the prostitute, and I have no reason to drug myself." "then why else would you steal those drugs?" "I didn't steal anything." "then why were you at the pharmacy?" "i'm a prostitute, you do the math." "huh?" "birth control, you moron!" "okay, show me the receipt!" the mafia boss-prostitute gave him a piece of paper with a list of drugs;

birth control
anti-depressants (prescription)
adderall (prescription)

then the mafioso shoved a small purse into the detective's arms. "Search through it, you won't find anything but what's on the receipt." the only things found in the bag were a phone, a hand fan, a few self defense items, and five bottles of drugs. Birth control, adderall, two bottles of anti-depressants, one almost empty and the other unopened, and a drug called 'Geisha'. It wasn't on the list of drugs stolen from the pharmacy, but Susano had seen it on the news a few times. A type of illegal sex drug that would turn the consumer on within seconds, but like most drugs, they would have no memories of that night. It's most frequent use was to rape woman at parties.

"Why do you have this?" "I take it with sake." "you know I'm gonna have to report this to the police" "no you won't." "why not?" The mafioso began to strip but before he took his pants off the detective stopped him. "I'm a detective not a whore." Susano did notice the scars on his chest. That's how he did it. They see him as nothing more than his vagina. He sighed, "fine, I'll let you off the hook if  you help me find the thief" "Alright.." "and you only get the adderall and anti-depressants back" "what about the birth control??" "no, you'll just have to pay the price of being a whore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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