Life Prolonging Treatment

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Module Name: Life Prolonging Treatment

Real Name: Enmei Sawai (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: 延命治療

Romaji: Enmei Chiryou

Nickname(s): E

Date Of Birth: December 28, 2007

Age: 16

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Pig

Designer: Sidu

Known Relationships/Family:

Kiara Sawai (mother) (born September 4th, 1983)

Touji Sawai (father) (born July 14th, 1982)

Myda Seki/Smiling Miku #3 (girlfriend) (July 24, 2023)

Occupation: High school student (he's currently a sophomore)

Specific Song: Life Prolonging Treatment

Song Producer: Neru

Specific Song Anniversary: December 28, 2012

Fun Facts:

- Enmei first got his illness at the age of 10. It happened when he was in the car on the way home from school one day. He spent the last happy moments of his life gushing about an upcoming field trip to his parents. But then, a careless driver came and hit the side of the car. Enmei's parents were okay, with just a few minor injuries. But Enmei was at the side where the car hit, so he took the most damage. He was crushed between car pieces, and his parents couldn't get him out by themselves. The paramedics could though. By the time he got to the hospital, all of his organs were failing, he lost 70% of his blood, and he was in hypovolemic shock.

- When he was first admitted to the hospital, the doctors told the Sawai parents that he only had about one hour left to live. His parents did not want to believe that and they begged the doctors to do whatever they could to save him. Enmei was in a medically induced coma and on life support, and was completely unresponsive for a week before he miraculously opened his eyes. However, his condition didn't improve. The first thing he heard when he woke up was that he developed sepsis because of the severity of his injuries. Because of this, he had to get his left arm and leg amputated to stop the infection from spreading. After the procedure, the infection stopped, but this wasn't the end of his prolonged real-life nightmare.

- Enmei was released from the hospital after two months, but he wasn't able to make a full recovery. He had internal damage from the accident that couldn't be fixed by the doctors, resulting in his known medical fragility. He became weaker and got sick easier. He used to go around in a wheelchair because he lost his arm and leg. He became the outcast at school due to his disabilities. This made him feel lonely. Although he acquired his mechanical limbs two years after the accident, things just didn't get much better. He would get teased in school for his robotic limbs, and his teachers would shame him for not keeping up with the work when it wasn't his fault. He would get stared at by others. He hated that it felt like no one wanted to be his friend just because he's different. The next few years of his life would be him being in and out of the hospital for even the smallest of emergencies. However, today, thanks to a certain Len module, Enmei is no longer chronically ill. But he still has a long way to go with attaining a social life and being happy again.

- Enmei can be described as someone who is always thankful. Because he has an amazing relationship with his parents, they love him unconditionally and do whatever they can to give him everything he needs and wants. If he can't get something he wants at the moment, he understands. Enmei frowns upon people who complain about their own lives, as he was always taught to be happy with his own.

- He has a particular interest towards Disney movies, and his favorite one is Cars. He watched it over and over again while he was at the hospital. He has toys of all the characters.

- He also has toys of pretty much anything a child would have. His room looks like a playhouse, but that's just because it hasn't changed much since his early childhood years. His favorite toy is a traditional Bop-It, which he carries everywhere he goes and uses when he gets bored.

Canon Facts:

- Enmei is better known as just E.

- The left half of Enmei's body is mechanical.

- He likes milk and boxed drinks.

- He hates it when people talk about his height, which is 5'3".

- He is left handed. His left hand seems to be really strong.

- His blood is green instead of red.

- Although his robotic side is strong, his body can't keep up with most everyday activities and he'll easily get exhausted.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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