I need help!

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A/N: Hi everybabie! Im sorry for taking an unannounced break. I just have been unmotivated. But i'll try to update more often :)

Thank you to @funnymansir283 for the suggestion!
Plot: y/n has regressed to babyspace for the first time and nikki doesn't know what to do so she calls tommy for help.
Little gear used:
Nikki's POV:
Y/n regressed a while ago. They told me that they age regress a couple of months ago, yet I have only taken care of them a handful of times. They did tell me that they do sometimes go into babyspace, but not often.

During the times I have taken care of them, they were only a toddler, about 2-4. Im also fairly new to being a caregiver, which is one of the main reasons why I was totally unprepared when they began to slip further into the headspace.

I only noticed when they acted more curiously to the toys displayed infront of them and went semi-verbal. I slightly panicked, as I didn't want to mess up or accidentally hurt them in such a way in which they fear regressing very young. I pulled out my phone and called Tommy. He has been a caregiver for around 4 years now, meaning he has more experience than me.

"Nikki! Whats up?"

"Hey tommy. Can you come over? I need your help."

"Oh uh sure! I'll be right there."

I ended the call and anxiously waiting for his arrival. I heard a knock on the door 5 minutes later. After shouting "Come in!" tommy pried the door open and rushed in.

"Hey Nikki! What d'ya need help with?"

I got up and talked to him quietly, I didn't want y/n to overhear this and think they're a burden or anything like that.

"Y/n regressed into babyspace and I don't know what to do! Could you help me tommy?"
He nodded, smiling. We turned towards y/n, who was nibbling on their fingers while looking up at us.

Tom walked over and sat down next to them. "Hi kiddo!" Y/n giggled and crawled over to his lap, hugging him. We both cooed and Tommy hugged them back.

I left the two to go make a bottle for them. Once I got back, Y/n was babbling to Tom while he intently listened. "Y/n~ Do you want some milk dear?" They turned to me, smiling and making grabby hands for the bottle.

"Do you want me or Tommy to feed you?" The room was silent for a moment before they pointed at Tommy. I handed the bottle to him and he started feeding them. I went to their playroom and grabbed a paci for them.

When I came back, Y/n was half asleep, cuddled up to Tom while he rubbed their back. I smiled and put the paci in their mouth and kissed their head. "Goodnight little one."
Sorry for taking forever to do the request but I hope you like it. This will be the last chapter I will be doing. I wanted to get it done before I discontinued the book. Thank you all for the support and maybe I'll come back some day. Love you all /p -Author
547 words

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