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I stay close to the stage wings to watch Duff. When the concert was over I was cheering and screaming with the crowd. Duff runs over to me and holds me close while kissing me. He pulls away and smiles at me. "Hi Y/n!" Steven says waving and jumping. "Hi Stevie" I wave back jumping, mocking him. "Izzy c'mere!" I shout waving him over. He runs over "yeah?" He asks "I need your opinion on something" I say "okay" he says. I drag him away from the guys and they scatter around. "Okay the photos are done but I want you to tell me what you think" I say. Izzy nods his head. I open the envelope and show him the pictures. "Do you think Duff will like them?" I ask nervously. "Holy shit. I think he'll love them. I'm telling you he'll go crazy for the bass ones." He says smiling softly.

   "Thank you!" I say smiling then walking away just to see none of the band. "Where did they go?" I ask and turn back to Izzy. "Probably to the dressing room" Izzy says. He leads me to the dressing room while we talk. "Y'know I have another surprise for Duff" I smirk. I told Izzy all this stuff because we were really close. "What's that?" He asks. "I bought those lingerie sets and the outfit. Oh! And I'm wearing a set under this" I say pointing to my clothes. "That's why you didn't take your skirt off" he says. Noticing how weird that sounds he says "oops sorry that was really weird" Izzy apologized "oh no it's okay" I tell him. We finally reach the dressing room and I go straight to Duff.

    "Hi Duffy" I say sitting next to him on the couch. "Hi" he smiles. "Are you ready to go back to the hotel?" I ask. "Yeah let me get the boys" he says "okay!" I smile. Duff tells the boys I'm ready to leave and surprisingly they wanna leave too. We all walk out of the stadium to see the tour bus waiting for us. We pile into the bus and I sit next to Duff. "Hey Duffy?" I say "yeah?" He asks  "I have something for you" I say smirking. "Ooh and what's that" he smirks. I hand him the envelope and he opens it. First he reads the note.

   'dear Duff, I love you so much words couldn't describe my love for you. I love spending time with you and having fun with you ;). I hope these pictures show just how much I love you or I can show you later;)
Love, your girlfriend, Y/N.'  he reads out loud. "Ooh damn that's hot" Duff says and kisses me lustfully. "Wait till you see the pictures" I smirk. He pulls the pictures out of the envelope and his jaw drops. "Oh- holy shit!" He gasps while flipping through the photos. When he gets to the Bass ones in my dark red lingerie he looks as if he could cum his pants. "Oh my god. That's my favorite" he tells me pointing to the one where I was laying down with the bass.

    "I also really like this one" he says flipping back to the one where I was crawling towards the camera. Axl and Slash sits next to us to see what the ruckus is about. "What's going on over here?" Axl asks. "Check out my girlfriend!" Duff smiles brightly and shows them the pictures. "Oh my god that's hot!" Axl yells getting Stevens attention. "What's hot?" he asks walking over. "Check out Y/N!" Slash says. By now my face was red. Stevens jaw drops. "Holy shit!" He says "okay guys these are for Duff and Duff only" I say shooing them away. "Oh my god but your so hot. Why can't I show everyone these?" Duff asks "because it's a secret babe" I say just above a whisper and scooting towards Duff who looks at me like I'm the hottest woman alive.

    I kiss him lustfully but slowly while pushing him to lay down on the couch. He lays down and I straddle his hips. He's looking at me with wide eyes and I feel a hard member pressing between my legs. I take the photos from him and put them on the little window sill. His hands go to my hips but slide down to my ass. I feel my skirt riding up slowly and Duff feels It too so he puts his hands under my skirt. I bend down to kiss him roughly. Duff's hands move back to my hips and he starts to move them. I grind my hips on his. "Okay split it up! Back up! Oh my god they're fucking Infront of us!" Multiple voices say but I don't really listen. I continue living in my blissful world with Duff. "Holy shit their like dogs" Axl says.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now