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A warmth enveloped Joe's face, its gentle caress stirring her from slumber. The soft tickle of a breeze danced playfully across her skin, while rays of sunshine snuck their way through her half-closed eyelids. With a delicate flutter, her eyes slowly opened, welcoming the blinding white ceiling in the morning light.

For a fleeting moment between dream and reality, confusion washed over her and the slow thumping of her heart increased. Last time she checked, her ceiling most definitely wasn't white and her curtains were not as thin to let so much light trickle in, especially with the tree in their garden blocking the morning sun most days.

She kicked the covers aside and swung her legs over the edge. Her soles instantly met with the coolness of the floor which sent goosebumps up her legs and arms. Her eyes trailed over the rest of the interior.

And her heart slowed back down.

This wasn't her room back in Mission Creek. This was her new room. In the Bionic Academy. A weak groan escaped her as she rose to her feet and put on her slippers while squinting her eyes at the brightness of the all-white room. She definitely needed thicker curtains or else she might go blind by next week.

Grabbing her phone from the dresser next to the bathroom door, she forgot about the tower of moving boxes to the left and bumped into them. Her hands shot forward to stabilize the tower and prevent it from falling – successfully.

The boxes had been there for some time now and moved corners multiple times. They always somehow ended up in the way. Would her problems be solved if she finally got a grip and just unpacked them? Probably. Did she have the time for it? Probably not.

With figuring out a new daily routine, working and spending all her free time with her friends and the students, there was simply no time. Well, that's at least the excuse she convinced herself of. After all, her books, decorations and other trinkets hadn't yet been needed.

And who used hangers anyway?

Looking up from the sink, Joe wiped her mouth clean and regarded herself in the mirror. A sigh left her as she noticed the unwavering dark circles under her eyes. She just wasn't made for 8 hours of sleep.

Her gaze traveled to the makeup bag on the counter but with a shake of her head, she decided against it, reaching for the claw clip next to it instead. Joe quickly put her hair up, not minding the stray strands and turned to walk back out of the bathroom.

But when her hand reached for the door handle she inhaled a sharp breath. Every day she forgot –and in turn got reminded– about the scars on her wrists. Sebastian unfortunately had left his mark on her and she had no way to forget about the incident.

Whirling around, she grabbed the makeup and carefully poured it on her wrists. No one needed to know about this. No one except Chase who was too perceptive for his own good. And although he knew, they never talked about it. Never.

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