The Fight

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Bella's Pov

It was a long day I was resting after the fight with Victoria. I tried to clear my head calming myself my arm still hurting from the cut I made, I couldn't say I regretted it because I don't. They were mad at me for putting my life in danger, well at least some of the Cullens and Jacob. The pack mentioned that it was both smart and dumb of me but their glad I'm not dead. I smiled softly as I think about the pack, they didn't hate me when Edward left, they were there for me. They comforted me however they did hate the fact I was with Edward. It upset me slightly, but I realized Edward kept saying things bad about the pack that they didn't even deserve. Being so lost in thought I jumped at the sound of Edwards's voice.

"Love are you ok, you have been quiet for quite a while."

"No, I am fine just thinking Edward."

I frowned he never let me think for too long. It pissed me off slightly I do love him, I do but lately, he has been a little too much with things. He tells me who to be friends with and what to wear and eat. I know he's my boyfriend but is this how relationships were, I wasn't sure since I was never actually in one before.

"Love, you have done it again I was saying something to you."

I jumped again huffing as I spoke in an irritated voice.

"I apologize Edward what were you saying."

"I was just stating now with the fight over, the pack doesn't need to be around you."

I sighed again with this, I knew he didn't like the pack very much he always saying how dangerous they were but a small voice in my head keeps telling me that he has no right to say any of that to me about them, considering him being a damn vampire. Just then Jacob's voice spoke up making me jump a little not noticing him when I and Edward were talking.

"Like you can say anything about us the pack is here until Bella doesn't want us."

"Shut your mouth dog you're irritating me. You and your pack of mutts have done their job now leave."

"Bella still wants us in her life!"

"She doesn't know what's best for her I do!"

"Oh, please you're always telling her what to say or do leech I bet she doesn't even want you."

I tried to ignore the words they were saying both fighting about me again. I sighed annoyed at the thought of them thinking they know what was best for me. Yes, Edward thought he knew what was best for me and so does Jacob but all together I am a grown woman I can do what I want. I scowl as they continued with their stupid fight.

"You overgrown mutt shut up and leave. Bella doesn't know what she wants."

"You have no say come with me Bella the pack needs to talk to you."

"No come home with me Esme wants to cook something for you to get your energy up and I agree with her."

I sighed heavily closing my eyes trying to calm down. Who do they think they are doing this it's stupid this whole thing. Fighting over me I wasn't even worth this but as of right now their fighting is only making me hate both of them and it made me snap.

"Shut up both of you I will not be leaving with any of you ever, Edward you have no right to say you know what's best for me. Especially since I am a grown woman, not a child. Me and you are done I need a break from you."

I turn to Jacob seeing his smug smirk as I scowl at him too.

"And you Jacob stop acting like a child your almost as bad as he is I swear you are both acting like children I do not want to see you either right now you are both pissing me off with these stupid fights!"

They both looked at me eyes widening in shock as I yelled. But at the moment I didn't care this was my life I can make my own decisions. I rolled my eyes at them heading into my house slamming the door and heading up to my room I sighed got dressed into my pajamas and laid down I was really upset at the fact they would even do that. If they really loved me they wouldn't fight or try to tell me what was best for me. I wanted to make my decisions, I wanted to do things I wanted. Not let them decide for me. I really was debating on not talking to them both at all. They both got me to be angry to the point I just want to punch someone or something. I didn't want to be this mad. But I couldn't help it, who in their right mind would let that slide. I huff grabbing my stuffed wolf and snuggled with it. These thoughts were making me slip. I didn't want anyone to find out. I was embarrassed about it. I knew they would think I was a freak. I was worried they would stop talking to me or worse hurt me because of it. I couldn't take mean words very well I always ended up slipping and crying. I thought that I could fix myself but it has been years now. No one knew but my parents, and they would never tell anyone about it because they knew I was worried what people would think. Even when they tried to convince me to come out and tell at least Jacob and some of his friends. I was to scared, I know I shouldn't be. Maybe one day soon, as soon as I get up the nerves to tell them. I know out of everyone the pack would not judge but that didn't stop my worries. No it just made them worse, I knew soon they would see and I just hope they don't judge me.

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