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"You're getting married?!" Wes asks loudly making me look around and smile apologetically at the little attention he's attracting.

"Shh!" I hiss and he ignores me, snatching up my left hand to inspect the ring.

We're at a bar and it's pretty busy tonight, musics louder than usual but despite that, Wes is being loud and people stare.

"Last I saw you, you were unsure of the guy and now you're vowing your life to him?! Blink if you need help, Mo, blink six times" he jokes.

"That's way too many times" I roll my eyes.

"Holy shit, congratulations, this is good right?" He asks unsure making me laugh.

"Yes, idiot, you're a good friend and I thought I'd tell you" I shrug and he grins.

"I'm a good friend?" He gushes all childlike making me shove him.

"So, you've come to the greatest drinking partner of all time to celebrate" he grins and it makes me laugh.

"Excuse me? I'm the greatest drinking partner of all time, Wesley, please don't insult me when I'm not around" Xander cuts in, setting our round of drinks down.

"I'll drink you under the table, Harrington" Wes snorts, sipping his whiskey.

"You're on, pretty boy"

"You think I'm pretty" Wes places a palm over his chest and I'm grinning from ear to ear.

"Actually, before either of you do that, I'm really here to ask you both something" I stop them and they both stare at me.

"Obviously, I don't have any friends and my family and I aren't normal people" I start.

"This is true" Xander nods.

"I can agree with that" Wes nods with him and I flip them both off.

"Anyways, you pricks" I snap earning cheeky grins from them.

"How do you feel about being my bridesmaids?" I smile wide like a kid in a candy store.

"You're serious?" Wes asks with amusement painting his face.

"Deadly" I nod.

"Absolutely not" Xander shakes his head making my jaw drop.

"Why not, asshole?" I shove him.

"Because I want to be your Maid of Honor, you're obviously going to be my Best Man, if and when I get married so, it's only fair" he shrugs and Wes doubles over with laughter.

"Wait...why aren't I your best man?" Wes' laughter dies quickly and he looks genuinely offended.

"That's cute that you think we're on that level, Brooks" Xander shakes his head and Wes just looks like a sad puppy now.

"Xander, I have a sister" I roll my eyes.

"Tough shit" he says and throws back his drink, pointing at Wes with his chin.

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