Chapter 1

16 1 13

          The rain outside was heavy, it was pounding at the roof of my workshop, it made me feel overwhelmed. Scared. Unsafe, even.

          "Elizabeth? Elizabeth!" I heard my friend, Acelet, scold at me. I quickly realized that I had my hand on hot metal, took it off, and apologized, Acelet raised an eyebrow at me.

          "Why are you apologising to me?" He inquired, grabbing my hand to inspect the burn, "If anything, you should apologize to your hand," I shrugged.

          Acelet let go hesitantly "Your hand is fine, I don't think you had it on there that long" He stated. I nodded, putting gloves on and picking up a metal cutter. Acelet looked at the metal cutter nervously.

          I raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?" I asked him, confused. Acelet paused for a moment.

          "Maybe, uh" He started, "Maybe you should put the dangerous objects away, at least for today?" He requested, I rolled my eyes and put the metal cutter down.

           "Happy?" I asked, he nodded.

           Acelet picked it back up and I shot him a look, a mix of annoyance and confusion, "I could probably take over for today, you don't need to do anything. I know you get scared during heavy rains."

           "Acelet, I'm fine, I don't get scared during the rain, just uneasy." I told him, somewhat annoyed.

            He replied, "Yeah, you do, besides, what could go wrong if I take over for today?" I sighed and nodded. I guess a break sounds fine.

          "Just try not to, I dunno, rip your leg off," I ordered, he nodded. "I'm gonna go out, I haven't gotten to do my errands this week."

            "Alright, you go do that," Acelet replied, seeming a tad annoyed that I was still there.

          I nodded, grabbing an umbrella and walking out the door.

          After I get a few errands done, I start to feel unsafe again. Not because of the rain, though. I felt sharp eyes on me, burning through the back of my head, watching my every move. I start to look around frantically to see who, or what, it was, but I could barely see anything through the rain. I saw movements in corner of my eye, but had passed it off as nothing but my imagination.

          Someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around, and a small, dark-skinned woman stood behind me, the hood of her jacket covering most of her face, "Ma'am," she said in a frustrated tone, "You're holding up the line."

           "Oh, uh, sorry," I quickly apologized and walked farther up the line, but then she grabbed my shoulder.

           I grumbled and turned around, "What?" I asked, "What do you want?"

          From what I could tell, she furrowed her eyebrows at me, "You seem familiar, what's your name?"

          "My names Elizabeth Ace."

          Her eyes widened "Er, not who I thought you were, sorry," I was confused by her reaction I wondered if she actually did know me, but shrugged it off, realizing I was still holding the line up.

           I got back home, my umbrella dripping with rain. I heard soft chatter coming from inside my workshop.

            I closed my umbrella and set it down while I came in, I recognized one of the voices as Acelet's, though, I couldn't place the other.

           I heard Acelet say, "Why couldn't you just do it then? Make it a little easier on both of us?"

           "Easier? If you wanted it to be easy, you wouldn't have hired me in the first place! I don't get the point of hiring me if you planned on saving her anyways, besides, there were too many witnesses, I'd rather not go to jail for one job."

          Acelet scoffed, "If you don't get it done soon, I won't pay you, and I will report you to the police, understand?"

          "Fine," I heard the other voice huff, slamming something on a hard surface.

          "Acelet? I'm back," I told him, opening the door.

          "Uh, hey," Acelet said nervously. I saw who he was talking to,
it was the short woman I met.

          I turned to the woman, "Hello there," I said, she greeted me back, "I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but what are you doing here?"

         The woman responded "Well, Acelet wanted for me to do something for him-"

          "Oh, sorry am I intruding on something then? Should I leave?" I interrupted, feeling embarrassed.

          Acelet interjected with, "No, no, not like that! A different kind of thing."

         I felt confused, until my eyes were drawn to something, A knife, clutched in the woman's hand, and I automatically assumed the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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