The first wife he loved

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Adam x Reader


Brunhilde one of the 13 valkyries are preparing the human participants to fight in Ragnarok. Adam the first man is also present. "Now you know the rules of Ragnarok, I'll leave you all to familiarize" Brunhilde stated, receiving approval nods and looks from the participants, she left to finish her work.


As they roam and familiarize their way in Valhalla, Adam is walking along with his family to their designated room. On their way there, Eve, Adam's wife accidentally bumped into a woman, wearing a sea green dress that reached her ankles, however she did not have any shoes on. "I'm so sorry!, I didn't look where I was going" Eve exclaimed as panic raised within her. "It's quite alright dear, no need to apologize" replied the woman smiling. Adam on the other hand, freezed on where he was standing and didn't utter a single word, the woman standing in front of them is her. The first woman who accompanied him in the garden. His first wife.


After Eve's and her problem has been solve they went on their separate ways. "She was nice, don't you think so dear?" Eve questions her husband about the kind woman they meet awhile ago. Adam said nothing but hums in response. He wasn't expecting to see her again since she did leave him.


In the Garden of Eden a man with blonde hair stared at the sky above him while laying down on top of a bear. "Darling, look what I found!" A very excited voice echoed throughout the Garden, Adam who was eating grapes stopped and looked at the direction where the voice came from. There a few feet ahead of him stood his wife, holding something in her hand. Sliding down the bear and walking towards her, "what is it?" He questions her looking at her hand and waiting for an answer "well I manage to find this near the forbidden fruit" his eyes widen when she said this "you didn't eat the fruit now, did you?" He keeps questioning her as she chuckle at him, his brows frowned at her "no, of course not, now why would I do that?" She stated her question. He relaxed his tense muscles and released a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "Let's go, you haven't had your breakfast yet" he said smiling at her "huh?; Oh, right!. Let's go darling" she replied with her classic cheerful and smoothing voice. Adam hummed as they walk side by side towards the lake.

I shall be making part 2 for this one shot.

I won't be adding any pictures for each chapter from now on.

Don't and DON'T ever ask me for updates, I'll update this oneshot if I want to. Keep in mind that I have a life too, just like you. Writing stories are simply a hobby of mine and I appreciate if you'll wait until I update again.

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