2 | on the bus

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"That's him," Anu whispered, her statement going nearly unnoticed amidst the roar of the bus and the bustling sound of traffic on the road

Her friend's shoulder-length hair moved forward as she leaned closer, observing the boy a few seats before her. Her bright, black eyes held a glint of mischief and a spark of youthful happiness in it. 

"That's the new guy in our apartment?"


"Huh." A pause. "He's good-looking. Not my type though."

Anuradha said nothing, continuing to observe him. But she knew her silence wouldn't benefit her. Nothing could escape her best friend's sharp eyes and sharper mind. Plus, Maya was armed with a 4-year experience in the field of 'the psychology of Anuradha Anand'.

 Maya's keen eyes turned to Anu, as she broke into a grin.

"He's your type, isn't he?"

Anuradha smacked Maya's head in response, whispering angrily. "Shut up."

"Ha! So I was right!"

"Lower your voice, goddamn it." Anu's brown complexion concealed the heat of embarrassment she felt on her cheeks. 

"That's your type? Nerdy guys?"

"Do you want to announce this to the entire world? Tone it down, Maya."

Anu checked his back for any sign of having heard Maya's words. Vineet was absorbed in his book. He didn't hear Maya's loud voice, much to Anu's relief. Her sigh of relief was met with the sound of sniggers.

"So, should we try to set you up with him?"

"No. No way. Absolutely not, Maya. Just keep quiet. I shouldn't have said anything." Anu slumped against her seat, crossing her arms.

Maya shrugged and obediently kept silent after that. But a teasing grin remained. When Anu felt embarrassed, somehow everything in the world made her feel more abashed. Maya's expression had the same effect on her.

Once the bus reached the school, the kids filtered out slowly. Anu stood in front of Vineet, waiting to get out of the bus. Suddenly, the bus driver restarted the bus and moved forward, resulting in the kids jerking forward and backward. The sound of screeches filled the vehicle.

Anu felt it all happen in slow motion. Her flailing arms, struggling to grip the top of the seats around her, falling backwards. She felt strong arms snake around her waist and hold her firmly. He let her find her balance, first.

Anu looked up, to find Vineet's face directly hovering around her.

"You okay?"

She blinked a few times, before nodding and standing back up, straight as a rod. She dared not meet his eyes. She rushed to get off the bus. As she speed-walked to her block, Maya caught up with her, giggling in delight. 

"Looks like I need not do anything. The universe will play my role, on my behalf."

"Shut up." Anu huffed, her pace quickening further.

Maya made a non-committal sound.


"I didn't say anything."

"Good. Please don't." She was mortified enough, as it was. Yet, she couldn't push away the thought that had first occurred to her when she had fallen back on him. 'He has strong arms.' 

[behind the scenes]

Anu points to this incident as the start of her crush on Vineet.

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