Embers of Destiny

46 13 19

Prompt 3:

Fleeting shadows: 

"The Royal guards are on a hunt to find the assassin who tried to assassinate the crown prince. The person they are hunting is none other than you. But you have no idea why they are after you for a crime you never committed. What kind of twisted destiny awaits you?"


     I closed my bakery and locked the doors, calling it a day. I had sold a good amount of bread and croissants today for which I was very content. I started walking down the street towards my cottage as I stuffed my gloved hands in my coat pockets trying to get some more warmth. It was a frigid night in December. The icy breeze attacked my exposed skin of the face, pricking like needles as I adjusted my muffler higher around my neck.

     While taking brisk steps towards my cottage, I recalled the conversation I had earlier with Liam. He had been my best friend for the past two years, being a constant customer at my bakery because he treasured my cookies.

     Liam was the sergeant of a troop of Royal Guards. Today, he had specifically come to ask me out for the Royal ball later this evening. I would have said yes if it hadn't been for this cold weather and my tiring routine. But he understood even before I rejected him, which I was extremely grateful for.

     As I unlocked my home, I glanced at my neighbour, Mr. Harold's place. He was an 80-year-old chap living by himself. He had always been a fatherly figure to me, cared for me as a daughter that made me look out to him as a father.

     After my day at the bakery, I always bought some cookies for him, which he used to enjoy with a hot cup of chocolate I made for him before starting a fire and making sure he would sleep well. Tonight, however, I noticed the smoke from the chimney and the closed curtains. Assuming he had gone to bed early, I decided not to disturb him and serve the cookies with his morning tea.

     I walked into my cottage and immediate warmth filled me. The chilly breeze outside had left me shivering. I lit the fire and after a couple of hours of house chores, I laid on the bed and wrapped myself around the warm covers. As soon as I felt myself dozing off, I heard shouting and yelling right outside my door. I sat up with a jolt, trying to figure out the reason for the commission going on outside. Then, without a warning, my door was thrown off its hinges into the cabin. I horrifically gasped as a squad of Royal Guards came inside, their weapons pointing at me and expressions stern and emotionless.

     "You are under arrest for the attempted assassination of Crown Prince Nicholas Charles of kingdom Valeria. Please stand up and put your hands above your head." Announced one of the guards.

     My heart raced as I trembled with fear at his ruthless tone.

     "I swear I had no part in any assassination. I am innocent." I tried to reason with them but my words fell on deaf ears as they showed no change in their demeanor.

     "Ah, Mia Brown, a pleasure to have finally met you." A voice came from the threshold as the person walked in with a smirk plastered on his face. "I have heard a lot about you from Liam, you see. Perhaps, he might have mentioned me? Sergeant Gabriel Miller at your service." He bowed a little with an amused expression. He spoke with an unexpectedly calm voice as if greeting me in a park.

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