fighting against discrimination

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It started with the small girl full of hope, magic, innocence like any other normal child.
But she was however special or even unique or different completely, she was not like any other child.
She was way more than mature than her age, very sensitive to everybody very empathetic.
Someone who cries seeing someone in problem yet very bold enough to handle her problems on her own despite of the fact she is only 6 years old.
It begans with her being 6years old in first standard the very first day of the school.
As it was the first day of school she was little nervous being on a very different place suddenly with new people around.
Her father had come to see off to her new class.
Her father told her - don't worry about anything ok, you will meet your new friends behave properly with everyone, be respectful to teachers.
Don't stress yourself i will come to you in the afternoon.
Pampa replied - Daddy at what time will you come?
As she was nervous suddenly asked.
father replied - at one o clock, you just enjoy yourself and listen to your teachers.
Pampa - ok daddy bye!
father - bye pampa have a good day.
Pampa entered the classroom little dark as she go forward and sit on one of the chair she noticed a little surprising things happening there.
There is some time left for the teachers to come in meanwhile, a tall dusky girl sammy was selecting student's don't know why.
pampa got confused that what is she doing and why.
Sometime goes on and pampa understood completely what is happening as soon as she understood the whole situation she got a little scared.
Nearby itsy asked pampa do you know what she is doing and why?
pampa replied- i think is selecting her friends on the basis of colour, appearance basically discrimination is going on.
itsy as asked - why she is not talking to us but to them
we are not different, we have not even spoken anything so how can she is discrimate.
pampa- she is selecting those who are good looking according to her, who are well groomed, skinny and tall student's replied pampa in irritated voice.
itsy - are we not good looking?
itsy said in very low tone as if feeling disappointed.
pampa- no, we all are good looking it's not like that.
she is no one to decide that.
It just that she has different kind of mindset, you don't worry if she is not talking to you don't feel bad.
i will always talk to you, will you be my friend?
itsy's eyes get gloomed, and replied suddenly.
yes i really wanted to become friend with you.
they both shake hands and smile looking each other's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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