First day of HighSchool

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It was the first day of high school for Sora. He was quite nervous since he had just moved here and had to start at a new school. He didn't know anyone, so he never really talked to anyone. His first 2 classes were okay, but his 3rd one, he met this guy named Jaxx, they had assigned seats next to each other, Sora tried talking to jaxx, but jaxx didn't want to talk to him.. or anyone..

Luca: You must be new here.. yeah.. that's jaxx.. he doesn't talk to anyone.. he can be a bit of a dick sometimes..

Sora: Oh..

*Sora sighs*

Sora: I didn't think It'd be this hard to make friends.. but I guess it is..

Luca: We can be friends if you want! My name is Luca! What's yours?

Sora: Wait.. really?..

*Luca nods*

*Sora smiles*

Sora: Well, I'm Sora..

*timeskip to the next day bc idk what else to add 👍🏻*

*Sora was at his locker getting his books for his next class, when suddenly someone slams his locker shut, and it was jaxx*

Jaxx: Well, hey there, shortie.. I've never seen you around.. You're new, aren't you?

Sora: I thought you didn't like talking to anyone..

Jaxx: Oh, I don't.. but I thought that I should try talking to you..

*jaxx smirks*

Jaxx: You're cute. Can I get your number?

Sora: What? No! I barely know you!

Jaxx: hm.. suit yourself..

*Jaxx walks away*

Luca: Sora.. who were you just talking to?

Sora: It was.. jaxx.. He tried asking for my number.. but I said no, because I barely know him! You were right.. he is a dick..

*the bell rings*

Sora: shit! I gotta go, Luca! I'll see you later!

Luca: Bye!

*After school*

*sora was on the bus to go home after a long day at school. He then realized jaxx got on the same bus as him, which meant he probably lived close to sora..*

*Sora quickly ducked down so jaxx wouldn't see him, but it didn't work.. because jaxx still saw him*

Jaxx: Oh, what a surprise, I didn't know we got on the same bus..

*jaxx chuckled*

Sora: tch.. shut up!..

Jaxx: woah there.. I was just saying I didn't know we got on the same bus..

Sora: Yeah.. I don't care! Nor do I wanna talk to you..

Jaxx: Whatever..

*After around 25 minutes of being on the bus, Sora arrives at his stop and gets off the bus and starts walking up the road to his house, but he then noticed, jaxx has been following him..*

Sora: Jaxx! Stop following me!

Jaxx: Me? Following you? I'd never! I'm just going to my house..

Sora: Oh really? Where's your house at then?

*Jaxx says a random address*

Sora: uhm.. jaxx.. that can't be your house.. cause that's where I live..

Jaxx: ohhh, did I say I was going to my house? I meant I was going there to study for the huge math exam tomorrow..

Sora: Math exam!?

Jaxx: Yes.. Ms. Stuart literally said it at the beginning of math class! But you weren't listening cause you were too busy talking to your boyfriend Luca!


Jaxx: Sure, he isn't.. now do you want me to come help you study.. or would you rather fail?

*sora sighs*

Sora: Fineeee.. you can come over.. but don't think this'll make we wanna be friends with you..

Jaxx: I didn't say I wanted to be friends with you..

Sora: Yeah, I know!

Jaxx: Then why'd you ask? Do you want to be friends with me?

Sora: What no!


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