Come Home to Me

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Dedicated to AgentofDreams989, damianflashpoint, and luciferandchloe2021 for all of their amazing and unending support of my work. Thank you guys!

Iris felt her feet touch the familiar carpets of her home as she materialized through a flurry of vibrant blue particles inside her and her husband’s loft, the warm, cozy, comforting feelings it always brought still just as present as they always were. 

All of the things that made it special, with the exclusion of Barry himself, all laid out in front of her, presenting a perfect picture of the home she’d made with him for three years now. Only now, with a tinge of darkness to them. 

A coldness that seemed to hang over the place, seeping from the room’s corners and walls, draping everything inside the white painted room with the heavy sense of dread, of despair, of sadness that it carried, weighing down on her chest like a sword being pressed against her throat.

This isn’t right. This cold, the feeling of fear, that’s Rosso. That’s his presence corrupting this place.

As she quietly looked around at her home that resided inside her husband’s mind, shivering once from the cold as she slightly gripped her black jacketed arms with one another, Iris’ eyes soon spotted the only other person in the mindscape with her.

He wore a sweat-stained blue button-up, his eyes as worn and exhausted as Iris had ever seen them.  

He was hunched over looking at something sitting on the table before him, rocking back and forth wordlessly as his nervous energy channeled into the incesticant foot tapping that occupied the only noise in the space besides the two’s breathing, his hands cupped tightly around his mouth as he stared forward, thoughts so loud and booming that he could do nothing but stay in his trance like state.

A man more broken than any physical pain could bring him.

“ Barry,” Iris quietly gasped, seeing the state that her partner had been reduced to.

What happened… what did you see in here that caused you so much pain?

Iris carefully moved around the couch’s corner and gently sat down next to him, her concerned and caring eyes looking into his wide bloodshot ones, though the man didn’t move, still frozen in his seat as he continued his pattern

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Iris carefully moved around the couch’s corner and gently sat down next to him, her concerned and caring eyes looking into his wide bloodshot ones, though the man didn’t move, still frozen in his seat as he continued his pattern. 

She could almost feel the pain in his eyes as she looked at him, the fear and broken heart that resided with each beat inside his chest, all leaching into every fiber of her being by just sitting across from him. 

What did Rosso do to you Barry?

It felt horrible to watch, as if she was helpless to do anything against the tidal wave of emotions that seemed to consume his entire being, threatening to consume her as well just by being that close to him.

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