chapter 1

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A boy in his teen years laying on his bed with his head buried in the pillow.
Having a dream of what he only knows suddenly
"KIM NAMJOON!!!!" the guys mother shouted making the sleeping boy fall on the floor with a thud !!
" Emmoa, why are you shouting , please let me sleep I was studying till 3" said purple hair boy.
" Child you have school, hurry up get ready I am making your breakfast" said Joon mom and went from there.
Namjoon just rolled his eyes and walked towards the washroom to get ready.

Namjoon walked downstairs chasing the sweet smell of pancakes.
He sit down on the dining table and start eating.
" Joon , how is your school is going" asked his father
" Good father, just some trouble here and there that's all" said Joon while munching his food
" What kind of trouble" questioned his father
"Nothing serious" that's all he said went from there.his parents just sigh

On his way Joon mat his best friend soojin . Both talked a little and start walking towards there destination.

Both reached school in time. They were walking towards there class when Joon saw a crowd in corridor
He went towards it,
Joon peek inside and saw Jackson pinning a girl trying to kiss her without her consent. Namjoon blood boil , he walked towards them, and tapped on Jackson shoulder " yes bro , want something" asked Jackson
''someone want's to talk to you" said Joon. " Who"
" My fist , bastard!!"with that Joon start to beat Jackson.
After some time teachers came there and seperated them
One teacher taken Jackson to nurse room and other left with Joon
" Kim Namjoon, mind explain what was you doing right now don't you know how to behave in school , how many times I have to given you so many warning i tired of you know,
Know listen if you get one more warning than you will see what I will do with you " said teacher and went from there without listening to namjoon.
" Why the hell she never listen to me I was trying to help " whine Joon and soojin just patt his back.

After classes, both mat in the cafeteria
Both were eating, when a devil came towards them
" See this pig is having fun while eating, you should stop one day you will explode " Jackson laugh with his minions. Namjoon just shook his try to control his temper.
He got up and start to walk away when Jackson shouted " see this pig is scared now, i didn't know his parents raised a coward "
With that Joon lost it, he launched towards them and start a fight.
There was a huge fight in cafeteria now.
After some minutes teacher came along with principal.
" Stop you all now , Jackson go to staff room and you namjoon meet me in office" said principal.
They went there way.

" Namjoon what should I do with you"said principal.
Before Joon could speak teacher cut him off

" Sir , leave him to me , i already tell him this is the last warning but he didn't understand, but now I have plan please believe me" said teacher
" Ok" said principal

Namjoon is doomed now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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