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"Let's try that again," it came from Ronfred. He was talking to Jebediah. They looked the same. Small, green body, big eyes that popped out, big, long, narrow heads. Jeb wanted to become an astronaut. So here we was, being taught by someone who looked exactly like him.

"Wake up!" said Ronfred sharply. "You need to do that simulation again!" He pointed to a square-shaped space capsule.

"Bu-bu-but," said Jebediah. " I nearly threw up last time. Jeb was scared. He didn't like doing this simulation. When he was practicing liftoff, the simulator shook around, trying to make it feel more realistic. Jeb had a weak stomach. So, he hated liftoff.

"COME ON! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY," shouted Ronfred. Jebediah meekly climbed into the capsule.

"Okay, running simulation 12," said Ronfred. Simulation 12 was the liftoff program. Because Jebediah was not good at liftoff, he needed to practice.

Ronfred walked over to the simulation program computer and flicked the switch saying. Launch. He now pressed the ON button. Inside the capsule, Jebediah felt like he was in an earthquake. He heard a voice counting down the clock... 5...4...3... The cabin was shaking and tossing and turning 2...1... Then Jebediah Kerman, threw up his lunch.


The start of a new series!


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