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Hinata leaves the cafe with two coffees in hand. He meets Yachi, who is waiting for him right outside the small cafe, sitting down on the bench displayed by the window. Yachi's eyes lit up at the sight of her favorite drink and she immediately took it from Hinata's hand.

Hinata chuckles at her enthusiasm and went off to school with Yachi following behind. "I don't know what you like about their matcha latte, it tastes weird," Hinata mumbles loudly to make sure Yachi hears and the girl glares at him and lightly hits his shoulder. "It does not! Your taste buds are weird." Yachi protests, earning a laugh from Hinata. He always knew the right buttons to push to irritate Yachi, the shy and quiet girl.

"Yours is weirder!" Hinata childishly sticks his tongue out at her only for his face to get smacked by Yachi's shoulder bag. Hinata grunts, putting a hand to his face as Yachi smugly enjoys her coffee. "Geez what's in your bag?" Hinata groans as he rubs the red spot on his forehead. "I have all my books here because unlike you, I study hard." Yachi bickers with a smirk on her face. Hinata grunts, knowing she got him there.

As they were walking, Yachi suddenly snaps her fingers as if she had just remembered something. "Oh right! I heard from Mrs. Azuma that there's a transfer student coming today!" Yachi mentions though Hinata didn't look interested. "Oh? That's great, I guess." "He's from Seijoh, I think."

At that, Hinata's ears perk up and turn to Yachi with eager eyes. "REALLY?! Is it onion head?!" Yachi cringes when Hinata's face starts to subconsciously get closer as he gets excited to find out who it is. "I don't know, I just found out from your teacher. I think he'll be in your class." Yachi pushes Hinata's face far from hers so she could have room to breathe.

"Your breath stinks, by the way." Hinata pays no mind to Yachi's comment as he kept trying to guess who the transfer student was, not receiving any replies from Yachi as he kept rambling on and on.

"Is it the Great King? Wait no, he's graduated...then Kunimi?? Possibly, but he loves onion head he wouldn't leave him there..."

Yachi watches with her nose scrunched up, wondering how and when was he friends with the people from Aoba Johsai.

They reach the school and Hinata's ramblings didn't stop, his loud voice echoing around the quiet halls. When they went up the stairs, Hinata quiets down as he and Yachi split up and went to their class. "See ya at lunch, Yachi!" Hinata waves cheerfully at his friend as she waves back with a smile before heading to her class.

Hinata enters his classroom with a bubbly smile and sat on his seat. The classroom was quiet, only a few mumbles from students who arrived as early as he did were heard. Hinata decides to use this time to scroll through his feed while drinking his coffee to stay awake.

He scrolls past posts that he didn't seem interested in, jadedly sipping his coffee as his eyes follow the posts that were scrolling through. His thumb stops swiping as his eyes land on a post that catches his attention. Hinata's wide eyes blink once, pulling his phone a bit closer to his face to take a better look.

 Hinata's wide eyes blink once, pulling his phone a bit closer to his face to take a better look

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"Huh? King of the Court? I've never seen him in our matches..." Hinata mumbles to himself, scratching his head in confusion.

The school bell rings, startling Hinata as he nearly drops his phone. He didn't realize he had been scrolling through his feed for quite a while now.

Hinata quickly hides his phone the moment his teacher enters the classroom with her usual strict look. The class immediately quiets down, some rushing to their seat as the teacher puts her stuff on her desk. She looks up and eyes her students with her sharp eyes before nodding at the door.

"Come in." She calls out, everyone in the class peering their heads in curiosity as they watch the door intensely.

The door opens and a student with dark hair walks in. Everyone followed every movement of his, watching as he stands in front of the class with a bored look. Hinata squints his eyes at him, getting the sense that he's familiar.

"Hello, I'm Kageyama Tobio. Nice to meet you all." The student introduces and bows to everyone in the class before bluntly walking to his seat without any other word said.

Hinata watches him with wide eyes, shocked that he was the so-called "King of the Court" from Seijoh. But what was he doing here if he was the captain of their volleyball club and why hasn't he been in any of their matches?

Hinata continues to look at Kageyama with curious eyes, the blue-eyed boy unaware of Hinata staring right at him as he sat a few seats in front.

King of the Court...what a weird guy...

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