MLP Fluttershys obsession

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It was the Finally the day for the Galla's gala fluttershy been being kinda shy around Discord (I mean more shy then usual) "alright fluttershy it's finally the time I'm gonna ask Discord out," Fluttershy said nervously,he was coming over for there tea that they away had on Wednesdays and she thought that was a good time to tell him,Fluttershy looked at the time "oh I can't wait he will be here any second," she said jumping up and down,Discord teleported in Fluttershys house "hello Fluttershy!," Discord said waving his stick in the air "im ready for our tea~!!," He said smiling "o-ok Discord I'll bring it in," she said going in the kitchen,Discord looked at picture of Fluttershy and smiled "I love her," he said hugging the picture, angel bunts mouth dropped and ran in the kitchen "yes angel bunny?," She said, angel bunny pointed to Discord "oh my," She said she walked over to Discord and lay on his lap "Fluttershy what are u doing?," Said Discord, Futtershy kissed Discord on the lips "I love u Discord," said Fluttershy "I love u too Fluttershy ," said Discord "will u go to the Galla's gala with me Discord," said Futtershy "yes!," Said Discord kissing Fluttershy they both got dressed for the Galla and Fluttershy looked beautiful and Discord too,Discord picked Fluttershy up and put her on his shoulders "U ready," said Discord "more then ever!," said Fluttershy, so Discord teleported to the Galla with Fluttershy "Fluttershy why are u here with him?!," said twilight "because I love love him!," Said Futtershy when growling "ok ok calm down god," said twilight walking away flipping her tail in Fluttershys face "ow!," Said Fluttershy crying "oh no Fluttershy!," Said Discord taking her off his shoulders and hugging her and kisses her head "are u better now?," said Discord "yes honey," said Fluttershy,rainbow dashes jaw dropped "wait Fluttershy u like Discord,Discord u like Futtershy?!?!?!?!?," said rainbow dash "yes," said Fluttershy and Discord "wow! Well good luck!," Said rainbow dash winking "aright Dashie," said Fluttershy,Discord and Fluttershy danced for the night the whole.

Thanks for reading this kinda a Fluttershy x Discord

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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