penguin village

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Taboos pov  well am glad that's  over. Yeah, take a break for a while. If something is not right, I said to myself  I don't  want to go anywhere  else u, I think lunch  took it when those guys  just great  can keep  it  no u ideot  they already  know where master roshi  lives  probably  watching   the house now oh yeah u  probably right   hey what's  the big  deal  how u alive  easy  Bart  u do u know u not  Invincible right   hush up  who the hell are u someone u should  be afraid  yeah right   a pretty  boy who tough  one minute   then running  scared  because  of a rat the next  how weak can u be  enough  already  cause in the next  five minutes  u all going to die anyway  I take these they well sell for pretty  penny   save the evil  villan  search blue u won't have them long would  u  stop Firting  wit the guy who could  kill us bluma  he right  u unless  see u  we to  get these things off  hey in here is this joke no  u   idiot   can be useful  let us lose  sorry why so snappy  today  throw it  let's this  jerk  alright  flying Nimbus  hey u jerk   give us our dragon balls  back  how the  catch  up how gh  follow  up right  another  village  huh what's  that noise  plan  ahhh  not try u lost u stupid ahh  I can tell  that not the last  time we see him  how did he get so strong.

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