Imposter N

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uzi:imposter n?
*everyone was confused about this as then the viewing began.*

the girls were now inside a void with the words defeat above them as they soon saw n but with a traffic cone on his head?

n:why does that me have a cone on his head?
uzi:i'm honestly surprised that you asked that question n.
cyn:my big brother is confused only about a traffic cone? interesting.
tessa:um i think there's more to it than that.

uzi:n why are you wearing a traffic cone on your head?

n said nothing as his visor is completely black as he pulled out a knife as he smiled a lot bigger than v's psychotic smile as they back away from him as he was mostly black as n was also taller the the three of them as he laughed before trying to kill them.

*everyone watched and heard his song and also saw the ending but also saw n return to normal but as that imposter that he calls himself.*

cyn:i'm scared!
tessa:same here.
tessa's father:what in bloody hell was that thing!? even the monster from before wasn't as bad is this one!?

j:ok n never acted this way before!
v:yeah...he's so sexy like this!!

*everyone turned to v slowly as they look at the blushing ones not all the v's are horny for such a thing because they already are a part of a harem for n.*

Imposter N uzi and j all stopped as they stared at the clearly horny v as a new portal opened as the three of them were pulled into it saving them from imposter n as he saw a group of workers as he smiled and charged at them killing everyone and eating them while they were still alive as their screams are music to his ears as he entered his spire where he saw his wives uzi lizzy doll j and v all of them butt naked and wearing dog collars as they were also chained and even acting dogs as n poured oil and entrails into their food dishes as they were happy.

*n uzi j v lizzy and doll were all blushing at the sight of their naked dog collar selves and very grossed out and embarrassed about them eating other drones like dogs and the cut to their big asses.*

imposter n:eat up girls.

uzi,lizzie,doll,j and v:woof!

they soon were eating up as n rubbed their pussies as they enjoy their master doing this to them as they also cum when he does so.

*a lot of people just up and gave up while they are blushing and are now horny themselves.*

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