Isabelle Conklin

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    "Belly?" Conrad, and another taller black haired guy say. Why the fuck are we talking about stomachs? "I'm- that's my-" he starts, but she doesn't allow him to continue.

    "Conrad?" She stumbles over, yanking down on her pink dress and wiping sand off her knees. The same black haired boy strides up behind her, grabbing her wrist.

    "Belly, lets go. You're leaving." He turns, beginning to walk her away, but she stands her ground in front of us. Conrad doesn't move, but the boy turns around ready to drag her away again. "Belly." She ignores him.

    "Who's she?" Belly points at me but refuses to look at me. Oh my god, is this his-

    "I'm so sorry, are you his girlfriend? I-" Conrad cuts me off.

    "No, she's not. She's a friend whose not supposed to be here," He mutters under his breath. "What are you even doing here? Go with Steven." He throws a hand out to the guy behind her, who's still beckoning for her to follow him.

    "Immature? Says the hypocrite! I thought you hated bikers." Finally, she looks my way. Not very kindly though. Her brown eyes glare my way, but her eyebrows don't even pitch in to the emotion.

    Conrad turns to me and apologizes so many times, "Just wait there, I'll- I'll be back, okay?" He stands up, grabbing her shoulder and turning her around. He mumbles, "Go with your brother, would you?" Steven grabs her arm again and speaks to her lowly with an angry expression on his face. She looks back at us while Conrad takes a seat by me again.

    "I'm so sorry, I don't even know how she-"

    "Who is that, Conrad?" I stare at him, a little disappointed. I just don't believe that she's a "friend" especially with the way she acted toward me.

    "It's my moms friends daughter. Me, her brother, and my brother grew up together here in Cousins. Every summer we're here in the same house. It's just so immature-"

    "Shut up."


    "Immature? So, it's just her then. At the house?" I wait, and he just nods, "How is she immature for feeling left out."

    "She caused a scene, thats what made it immature."

    "I know what you mean, but if she was invited in the first place there wouldn't be a scene to cause. I get it though, you might not always want her tagging along but she's hurt."

    "Hurt? How is she hurt?" He asks, appearing angrier than before.

    "Conrad, that girl looks for you everywhere. And she sure as hell did not want to find you next to me. I don't know whats going on with you two, but please figure it out before you start something with me. I will not be her punishment or your distraction." I stand up and turn around. He calls out after me, but I don't look back.

    As much as I had already liked him, and how much I'll miss what we might've had, he'll find me again if it means that much. That poor girl, Belly. If he does it to her he can do it to me. I won't let him hurt me if I barely know him.

    I get out my phone and text Ivy to meet me back at the bike, but I look up and she's already there. I run up to her, worried. 

    "Is everything okay? What happened?" She looks over at me a smiles

    "Oh, no! Y/n everything is okay, I was just tired thats all. The noise was super loud too." She laughs, "How is Conrad?"

    I sigh, "Yeah, I'll tell you about that at the house."

From The Dining Table - Conrad Fisher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now