section I : ChildHood

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welcome to section I of my biography, for all those reading; family, friends, colleagues, peers and fans, this section is titled Childhood. A lot of you are probably curious about who I was and how I became to be the author that you are reading right now but to understand that, it'd only be right to take you through my adolescent growth. trust me, I came a FARRRR way.

I feel like it's important to start at the beginning, so let me explain that when I was born, I was a very sickly child. premature and varying medical issues but as I got older, they cured me from most of these medical issues. However, it was a struggle to live with a horrible immune system and a wide range of allergies, but that never stopped me from living my life.

My parents are your typical, run of the mill hippies except they had a medical emergency of a child. My sister, Lanie and I basically grew up in the ocean and at the beach. Living off saltwater and exotic ass fruits that are unnecessarily odd looking. Thalia and Sekani Young were the parents that handed out organic, plant based fruit snacks to an elementary school full of American kids who were pumped up on Red 40 but I love them anyways.

I've grown up in southern California my entire life. I can't imagine living life away from here, Huntington Beach is home. It's where the Salzano's live and anywhere with them, is home.

The Salzano's are a small family, 3 kids; Viviana, Casey and Lukas, all with decent age gaps and two adorable kittens named Salsito & Krispy. Viv and Case happen to be my best friends. Ever since I was born, my parents were friends with Aurelio and Soraya Salzano, according to my parents, the friendship dates back all the way to my mom and titi Raya being students at the same international university. Delanie and Vivs were around the same age and hung out but eventually, Case and I came along and we were inseparable causing our families to, virtually, become one.

I like to think Casey and I came out the womb as bestfriends, we're a year apart but honestly, that has never mattered between us. When we were younger, I remember learning how to cook alongside him and teaching him how to swim. There are too many memories and feelings attached to Casey for me to tell you all of them in the section one of this project but I think it would feed his ego to see all this stuff in the beginning, I plan on making him cry by section two.

Enough with the introductions, let's get into the good stuff. When I entered high school, there was this one little issue that I had, my horrible immune system caused me to have ear infections for what felt like every other week. My parents and I paid no mind to it, we just brushed it off with my weekly meds and some antibiotics but, it was worse than we thought.

Let me take you on journey leading up to me finding out that I was loosing my hearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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