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name: carn.
birthday: june 15th.
star sign: gemini.

age: twenty-four - thirty two.
species: some kind of supernatural entity.
pronouns: he/him.

sexuality: pansexual.

height: 6'2 (when in his true form), 5'5 (when in his human form)

• a human male with long-ish chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. he is somewhat short and has toned arms and legs, with a soft stomach.
• an indigo-skinned bipedal creature that has features of both a dragon and a wolf.

diet: omnivorous, but prefers a carnivorous diet. however, his main food sources are souls, and the bodies and life essences of lesser/weaker entities. he can absorb their power.

hobbies: gaming, taking walks, (more to be added)

likes: rare steak. souls of ghosts and entities when he can absorb them. sleeping. comfy blankets. lavender incense oil. the smell of burning wood.

dislikes: hot temperatures. feeling smothered. being trapped. poachers. monster hunters.

fears: lighters, lit matches, and fire in general.

traits: protective, impulsive, honest.

notable features: in his natural form, on his back, there is a stump where one of his spider-leg-type protrusions should be. it was sawed off by demon hunters.

in his human form, he has a scar on his left elbow from an accident with a bike and a long scar on his left forearm from a fight with a sharp-clawed dog creature.

some key events in his life: a few years ago, he was caught by supernatural hunters, and they sawed off one of the spider-leg-like protrusions from his back. he managed to lash out at them and escape, but it deeply scared and hurt him. strangely enough, the protrusion never grew back, which was weird because he thought his regenerative abilities were good.

he deeply dislikes demon hunters and monster slayers because they have only ever been cruel and cold towards him once they find out what he is. each time he had crossed paths with some, he had been violently hurt or shook up. luckily, a powerful and mysterious sorcerer called atlantes has saved him three times. one of those times, he had saved carn from death. and, with the help of some other mages, the sorcerer healed him back into a stable condition.
he feels indebted to atlantes for what he has done for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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