The Tragedy

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As well as being your unannounced enemy, Demir was also what you would call a textbook "hot jock".

You have had a crush on him since you were 6, and along with the enemy label you have mentally imprinted onto him, the crush label has not quite faded either.

You could not help but admire him from afar, during class when he wasn't looking. The way his long, brown hair fell elegantly against his forehead, harmonizing with the colour of his chestnut eyes. The way his dimples appeared everytime he was genuinely happy, or actually found his friends funny.
The way he never showed a glimpse of fear over anything. He was always so brave. His nonchalance was truly his charm, you thought.

You could never predict what was going on in his mind.

"Miss Y/n? Do you want to share with the class what is so interesting about Mr Yildirim's hair?" Bellowed your teacher, breaking your trance. Of course she had to embarass you in front of the whole class.

You were silent and noticed that everyone looked back apart from Demir. It was always like that. Even if you leaped onto the tables and danced he would not budge one bit. You hated to admit it, but you missed it.

His gaze, that is.

The way his dark eyes would leave you hypnotized back then, as they were so piercing yet so comforting at the same time. He would always look so intently into your eyes, as if to capture every fine detail. You couldn't help but feel at home everytime he looked at you, during every conversation the two of you had.
You missed every bit of it.

"Miss, I think she's thinking about her mum again!"
Yelled out one of the other students, again breaking your trail of thought. This time hit harder than being embarrassed however. You felt the insensitive comment trigger something in you, something you feel you have been hiding for quite some time now.
You try not to go back to your mum. Just a glimpse of the thought alone eats you up entirely. Its as if you have almost trained yourself to completely blur out the thoughts from existence, pretending it had never happened.

Suddenly, you feel tears stream down your face uncontrollably. Confused, you look around to see everyone silent, looking back at you once again. This time however you notice Demir, also looking back, with a notably agonized look upon his face. Before you could do anything else, you feel your hands and feet getting numb and your vision blurring slightly. You shoot up from your seat without a word and leave the class in an instant. As you walk down the hallways you feel your breath getting shakier, and the lump in your throat only getting bigger, almost choking you to your last breath.

You collapse onto your knees, and let out what you feel like you have been holding in ever since you saw the body of your mother being wheeled away. You sobbed inconsolably on all fours, as you feel yourself drowning in a pool of agony and distress.

After propping yourself up against the floor level lockers, the memories you had tried to forget for the past 6 years began to flood your mind once again.

You were 10. You were playing ball by yourself whilst waiting for Demir to come back with popsicles, it was very hot that day. Your legs were tired so you sat on the step in front of your house. Suddenly, you heard a shriek of pure terror, that sounded very similar to your mother. You have heard your mother scream before, however this one had genuinely sounded much more serious. "Mama?" You yelled in response, but nothing was returned. You entered the house to discover what had happened, but suddenly, you had lost your vision to a blindfold covering your eyes and you had felt yourself being dragged into your room that had then been locked from the outside. Your screams and cries felt like they had been on mute and all you could think of was your mother. You then began to feel increasingly light headed.

It had been around 10 minutes later, and you find yourself slowly awakened to your aunt and uncle who you were laying in the arms of. "Thank God you are awake my love, we thought we had lost you too." You had noticed your aunt's eyes smeared with mascara as well as the bloodshot eyes of your uncle who was trying to hide his face. "What happened, where's mama!?" But before you could recieve any answer, the response had been shown right in front of your eyes.

There she was, your own mother being wheeled off into the ambulance with a white sheet over her body. As young as you were, you knew exactly what that meant.

You were speechless. You felt as if every vocal cord in your throat had been severed and you were left with nothing but silence. "Your mother must not have been happy love, she took her own life." Your uncle responds, after noticing your expression. Your aunt hits him on his arm,"Why did you say that to her now? Don't you know that is a whole lot for a 10 year old to take in??"

"She deserves to know. She would find out regardless." He responds miserably.

You finally managed to let out a single word. "Scream.. she screamed so loud, she screamed!"
Your aunt and uncle look at you puzzled, but intrigued.

"What are you talking abou-"

"SHE SCREAMED! SHE SCREAMED SO LOUD AND AND I HEARD EVERYTHING AND I WAS TAKEN INTO A ROOM AND AND AN-" Before you could continue, you broke down into an endless stream of tears and agony.

Your aunt had taken you into her arms, "It's okay dear, you must have had a bad dream whilst you were unconscious. We are here for you now. It will all be okay."

Of course, no one would believe the 10 year old.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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