The Embarrassment

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^ Apologies for it being so long, luvs! Like I mentioned last chapter martial arts and dual credit courses have had me going crazy!! But now I'm finally free of the dual credits so I'll post more regularly! Happy Reading! ^

* Lockwood's POV *

After what seemed like hours, but was only fifteen minutes, Lucy finally snapped back to reality. The look on her face I knew all too well... the emptiness you feel after a panic attack, or any PTSD flashback. I haven't had that feeling in a long while, since I've simply decided to stop feeling anything overall. I still was holding her, my hands clasped with hers, then I realized that it was strange for an employer to be doing that. I cleared my throat and let go, not knowing what to say next. But I don't have to figure out anything to say, since George is already blabbering.

"Well, on that... rather odd note we should go ahead and call the cab, shall we?" He said in his distinctively accented voice. 

Lucy clears her throat "Yeah. So sorry about that it's just... *sigh* it's a story for another time. Salt in a fresh wound, as they say." She replied awkwardly.

It appears we have matching scars. All I want to do is hold her, comfort her, lov- wait, what the hell am I going on about? Goodness. The way this girl was already worming her way through each carefully set layer of stone around my ice chest heart was concerning. 

* Lucy's POV

I hate myself. Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate myself. Why the actual fu- urm, heck, am I such an embarrassment??? I wish I was dead.

* George's POV *

Goodness. Not even Lockwood is that strange. I admit I feel a little sorry, but, come on. I am now taking it apon myself, George Cubbins-Karim, to figure out what the hell happened and why. 

* Robin's POV *

Damn. Girls with baggage are kinda hot. 

^ Well on that odd note I will go ahead and wrap this up. Tysvm for reading, soon I will be making a new fic about after the problem! ^

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