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I was sitting in history class, like the rest of the students and I just sat there and listened. I was visibly dying of boredom, I could wait to get out of the class. Mr. O started talking on Thomas Jefferson and that kinda lightened up my boredom because I knew some things about him and maybe could even answer some questions. "Ok. party people, today we're talking about Thomas Jefferson, What do we know about the great TJ?" Mr. O asked, looking around the class for any hands.

Gabe was the first one to raises his hand, making Mr. O pick on him. "Yes, Gabe?"

"Yeah, he's dead" gabe stated, clearly not realizing that until know because everyone knew that. "That is true, okay.." Mr. O said, unfascinated. Gabe raised his hand again, once again not giving me a chance too.

"Yes, Gabe again?"

"Uh, He loves gilled bananas!" Gabe claimed, not knowing anything. "I don't think that's true Gabe.." Mr. O said, trying not to hurt his feelings. Seriously how did Gabe even  make it to the 7th grade..

Before Gabe could raise his hand again, just to say something stupid, I did.  "Uh. Yes, Julie?"

"Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States.. I think" I stated, grabbing the from the back of my mind.

"Correct, yes. he was, great job Julie." Mr. O said, proudly as I nodded.

"Anyways. let's continue, I know that he was a founding father" Mr. O said, causing Anna to raises her hand

"Yes Anna?" He asked, before pointing to her.

"He was a disgusting slave owner" Anna claimed, out of nowhere. Wow, what happened to her? "Uh, Okay.." He said, awkwardly before going back into the lesson and we talk about it for the rest of the class, trying to forget what Anna just said.

The bell rang, causing Mr. O to happily, dismisses us. We gladly leave the class room and I follow Maya to her locker to ask her something but cut off once I noticed a piece of paper taped to her locker, that said 'I am Japanese'

"Maya is Japanese." Maya and Me heard a girl say behind us. "That's so weird" She continued, once we turned around. "Yeah. that is weird, I bet she eats all kinds of gross foods" Ian said, joining in. "Fish heads, Ew!" He added, making a disgusted face.

"No, I don't" Maya claimed before Anna came out from behind a door. "And this, you guys. Has been an example of racism" Anna said as people gather around her and Maya. I frowned my eyebrows from confusion but continued to listen, without saying anything.

"And I would just like everybody to acknowledge that" She said, confidently, thinking that she's making the situation better when she's not.

"And I see that happening in our school.." Anna said but gets interrupted by Brandt and another boy, coming out of nowhere. "I am Japanese" He said, mocking the letter on Maya's locker. He laughed and I thought that wasn't cool, so I decided to stop him.

"Brandt, Stop." I said, walking up to him. "Chill it's just a joke!" He stated, knowing that's a damn lie. And I knew that, he has told me that so many times. "It's not a joke, you're mocking someone and that shit isn't funny." I said, visibly getting upset by my tone.

"So, Um where was I?" Anna continued, trying to ignore Brandt. "I was just saying that in America-" Anna tried to say but gets cut off again. "Maya, Me love you long time!" Brandt's friend mocked, joining in.

Brandt and his friend laughed. "Okay, That's not part of this!" Anna stated, getting annoyed by Brandt's presence. I noticed that Maya was on the verge of tears so I told Brandt to tell his random friend to stop but he ignored me.

𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗟𝗬, 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘁 𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now