I Forgive You

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Narrator POV

Devin and Cassandra have been best friends for years, practically unseparable until one day the two friends got into an agreement causing them both to turn away from each other for the first time.

Devin POV

It's been almost three weeks since we last spoke and it's killing me Cassandra is my best friend and we had a stupid argument.

I miss her.

I hate to say it but I do, I miss my best friend our talks, our phone calls, just everything but I have to stay strong.

Today my parents left for work both of them getting stuck on the night shift this is about the time I would have called her but I highly doubt she will answer.

I sat down on the couch turning on the TV because maybe just maybe it could get my mind off of her even if it was just for a few minutes.



I woke up from my nap hearing loud banging coming from the front door I checked my phone to see it was 11:00p.m.

Who would be here this late at night?

Maybe my parents?


"ALRIGHT, alright I'm coming geez." I groaned as I got up walking to the front door opening it.

"Why are you banging so loud-" I started but stopped when I saw an out of breath Cassandra staring right back at me.

"Cassandra-" I started but she interrupted me.

"Can I come in?" She asked her breathing some what steady I wanted to say no because part of me was still mad but I just couldn't leave her out here.


"Thank you." She thanked flashing me her one of a kind smile as I moved out of the way.

How am I supposed to stay mad when you do that?

"Cassandra what are you doing here?" I finally asked as she turned to look at me before looking down at the floor.

"I couldn't keep on not being able to see you anymore it was killing me." She answered stunning me as I stood still.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I couldn't bare not seeing you anymore." She repeated as I stood there still in shock as she continued.

"I can't ignore you anymore, I can't not see you, I can't hold out any longer I want my best friend back, I want.. I want you back Devin." She said coming closer to me with each word.

"I needed to see you, hear you, touch you I just couldn't take it anymore." She said stopping in front of me.

"I want this stupid fight to end and if that means I have to apologize for me being an idiot so be it." She said looking me in the eyes as she moved closer my breathing hitching.

"I'm so sorry Devin, will you forgive me?" She whispered her breathing intertwined with mine.

I couldn't speak.

My heart was pounding, fast.

What is this feeling?

"Will you Devin?" She asked her hands on waist pulling me in as she looked at me.


"I?" She repeated, quietly her lips almost touching mine.

"I forgive you." I whispered as she smiled finally making our lips touch.

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