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"Olivia has a concussion and a sprained wrist, as well as some bruising you know how to treat those correct" Carlisle asks Charlie who nodded "I got this one Jackie" Carlisle tells the nurse who nods and hands him Bella charts

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"Olivia has a concussion and a sprained wrist, as well as some bruising you know how to treat those correct" Carlisle asks Charlie who nodded "I got this one Jackie" Carlisle tells the nurse who nods and hands him Bella charts

"Isabella" Carlisle states "Well Bella looks like you took quite a spill how do you feel" He asks her "Good" Bella answers simply "Look here" Carlisle holds his finger up and pulls out his flash light "You might experience some post traumatic stress or disorientation but your vitals look good no signs of any head trauma" He tells them turning off the flashlight

"I think you'll be just fine" Carlisle tells them with a smile "I'm so sorry guys I'm really" Tyler got cut off by Charlie closing the curtain that divides them "You know it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there, he knocked me out of the way" Bella states staring at Carlisle as if she's trying to see his reaction

"Edward your boy" Charlie asked looking at him "I mean it was amazing he got to me so fast, he was nowhere near me" Bella states "Sounds like you were very lucky" Carlisle tells her with a smile before nodding "Charlie" and with that he left waving at Liv who waved back

This whole time she was playing rock paper scissors with a nurse who found it funny as the girl kept making up rules and other things, thanking the nurse Charlie wheeled Olivia out of the room with Bella in front of them

"I gotta go sign some paperwork and get Livs meds, you should probably call your mom" Charlie tells her "Did you tell her" Bella asks him, Charlie gives her a duh look "Ugh she's probably just freaking out" Bella flipped her phone open and walked away

"Alright you little miss let's go find Carlisle to watch you while I get yo who are talking to" Charlie asks suddenly looking down at Olivia who was talking on the phone "And how'd you even get my phone" He questions patting his pockets when he sees that she had his phone

"No Jake I didn't take any drugs without you" Olivia states exhaustedly "I just told you I'm Tokyo drifting and you asked me if I did drugs" Olivia tells him "Yea well you know we made a pact" Olivia throws her hands up

"Ok" Charlie drags out snatching the phone "Enough of that Jake she's on some anesthesia right now she'll call you back later" Charlie tells the younger boy who now expresses his concern "Is she ok what happened" Jake asks confused

"She's fine she had a little accident but she's ok" Charlie tells him "Alright we'll keep us up dated" Jake said before they hung up "Ok now to find Carlisle" Charlie muttered pushing Olivia to where he knows Carlisle's office is

After handing her over to Carlisle Charlie left to go get her pain meds and sign some paperwork "Fifteen kids saw what happened" Rosalie states angrily "What was I supposed to do then let them die" Edward retorts "This isn't just about you it's about all of us and Liv is in a freaking wheel chair loopy off anesthesia because you pushed her to hard" Rosalie growls at him

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