Part 1

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The way to get there is down the street and to the right, It's where you will find, They await your arrival and require you to be there within 10 minutes. If you don't make it by then you will Pass, Pass into the unknown and get devoured by darkness Never to be seen again. You made it, They await for you to enter the building and See a staircase and a door on the staircase, It leads to a room a rubber room a rubber room filled with rats and the rats made you crazy, You exit the room and go up the stairs. Three doors Safe
Unsafe Very unsafe, They command you to enter Safe so you enter Very Unsafe And they are there.

They force you to take a seat You are being forced to move against your will. You are put on a seat they tell you to Ask anything you would like to know about the world you ask "Why is the world the way it is" They reply "Because it's the way we made it." You appear confused and ask another question "Why did you choose me?" They say "Because you are the only one worth being freed from the chains of humanity."
You then ask "Do I get a choice?" They reply "Yes and you have two weeks to make it one week being in the chains of humanity one joining us and you decide which is better" You reply "Ok, Well I would like my humanity first" They say "Of course goodbye for now."

This is the end of the story if you want a part 2

Then make sure to tell me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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