- 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 , summer rain

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Steven, Conrad and McKenna arrived home. They all went to the kitchen and sat down on the stools. "Well this day has been eventful." McKenna says. "Yeah, really eventful." Steven said. Conrad nodded his head yes. "Are you guys hungry? I can doordash some snacks." McKenna asked. "Yeah sure." Conrad replied. "obviously!" Steven exclaimed. They said what they wanted and McKenna order it. The three teens talked and laughed. You can say that those three were the closest, cause the were. Jeremiah was off with Belly most of this summer, so Steven and Conrad and McKenna were always together.

As the three were laughing, Taylor and Belly walked through the door and walked to the kitchen. The tension was through the roof. Thankfully, McKennas phone rang saying the doordash order was outside. "The orders here, imma go grab it, wait for me in the living room?" McKenna asked the boys.

The boys nodded yes and walked to the living as McKenna walked to get the snacks.

She got them, tipped the driver and walked back inside. She headed to the living and sat down next to Conrad. "Here you guys go." McKenna said handing them the bag. She had already grabbed her snacks.

Steven turned on the tv and put on Netflix. After a bit, Laurel and Susannah came downstairs. "Hey kids!" Laurel said. "Hey Mom." Steven replied. The moms sat down with their oldest kids. Laurel sat down next to Steven and Susannah sat down on the other side of Conrad. It was times like this when McKenna wished her mom was here in Cousins. "Where's your brother, Conrad?" Susannah asked her son. "I don't know we left before everyone else." Conrad replied. She mumbled an "okay", kissed Conrad, Steven and McKenna on the cheek, said goodnight, and got up to go to her room. "I'm going to sleep too, Night kids." Laurel said getting up. "For real though, where is Jere?" Steven asked as he heard his moms door close. "He's probably hooking up with someone in the 3 story house." McKenna replied.

The teens decided to go to bed after a while of hanging out. "Night everyone!" Kenna said walking into her room.

She feel asleep pretty easily.

The next morning, the beautiful Cousins Beach, was cloudy. The rain was coming in and the whole mood was off in the Summer house. Taylor had went home, which McKenna was thankful for. "Hey McKenna can we talk?" Belly asked as she walked into McKennas room. "Sure." McKenna replied setting down her mascara. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I know it was stupid of me to believe Taylor about that thing, I'm sorry for ignoring you this summer over Conrad, It's stupid but i'm sorry." Belly said. "Oh wow, but it's okay." McKenna said. "I'm so so so so so so so so so so so  sorry." Belly dragged the so. "It's okay. Now get out i gotta change." McKenna said "Okayyyy." Belly chuckled.

McKenna changed and walked downstairs. "Okay! Since it's raining out, I've decided we should do what we used to do when it's was raining." Susannah exclaimed. "So we have disney movies, hot cocoa, marshmallows, and blankets. A lottt blankets." Susannah continued. "Hey." Jeremiah said walking through the door and into the kitchen where everyone was. "Where have you been Jeremiah Troy Fisher?" Susannah asked. "At a friends house, i crashed over there." Jeremiah said. "Well since you missed it, we're having our raining day tradition." Laurel said.

Conrad and McKenna were making the fort in the living room, Belly and the moms were making hot cocoa and Jeremiah and Steven were picking out a movie to watch first. "We have to watch ratatouille!" Steven exclaimed as he found the dvd. "Fine but then we're watching The parent trap." Jeremiah said. "Hot cocoa is done!" Belly yelled. "The fort in done!" Conrad yelled. McKenna and Conrad had push the couch's together, somehow, managed to find a air mattress and blew it up. They then, took two chairs, put them on either side and put a large sheet to make a roof for the fort.

they added some extra pillows and blankets. (ion know how to describe to make a pillow fort but yk)

"Okay Everything's ready let's watch the movie!" Susannah exclaimed.

Belly was cuddled between the moms, Jeremiah, somehow ended up with his head in stevens lap and McKennas head was on conrad's shoulder. Everyone watched the movie and had a fun time. They then put on the second movie and Everyone was asleep besides Connie.

He smiled as he saw everyone asleep. He missed times like this, when everyone was together. When his mom wasn't sick, when Steven and McKenna and Jere would prank Conrad. When Belly would make everyone a dessert and have a belly special each monday night, or how McKenna and Conrad played guitar. McKenna was the singer ( for obvious reasons). Conrad still loved playing guitar as she sung.

But he knew, times like this would not last forever.

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