°• Comforting them? •°

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"Karma is like the hands of the clock. They will come back someday or the other."

Everyone was astonished. No one dared to utter a single word when Jungkook spoke.

Jungkook - So, you will do this to us now? You forgot our love, right? You forgot our friendship, righ-

Jungkook did a mistake. Triggering this, he provoked Suga and recieved a slap too. He looked up at Suga and saw him fuming in anger.

Jimin started clapping.

Jimin - Wow! This is what you get when you love someone? This is what you get when you care for someone? I know that you love them but let me tell you the truth, THEY DON'T LOVE YOU.

He said and Suga proceeds towards him and raised his hand but someone held it, it was Jin.

Suga - What are you doing? Step back, right now.

Jin - Do you think I will? I am elder than you so be respectful.

Namjoon - Do you think that? You don't deserve to be respected.

Taehyung - And you don't deserve to be loved. I hate you!

He said and ran to his room.

Jungkook - Never ever in my life, I thought that you will do this to me. I seriously cared for you but I shouldn't have. I hate you!

He said and ran away.

Jimin - How can you be so cruel? We were the one who were standing with you in your difficult situations and you did this. Thank you! Don't talk to me again.

He said and ran too.

Jin - You are happy, right? Seeing us so hurt, you are having fun. Thank you for giving us what we deserved. Thank you for your care and love. Bye forever! Don't show me your face.

He said as tears started making their way down his cheeks as he pushed Suga's hand back and walked inside his room.

Jisoo - Why you did this?

She shouted.

Namjoon - You better stay away from this matter.

Jisoo - Why should I? Because you can't take the truth. You can't handle it, right?

J-Hope - They were wrong.

Jennie - How do you know this? Did you see what these girls did? No, you didn't!

Rosé - You forgot their care, their love, their cherishment towards you. How can you be like this to your loved ones?

Namjoon - We don't care about them. Our priority is are our girlfriends.

Lisa - You know what? This fake Love made you so mad and blind that you hurted them so harshly. You will regret it and I promise it.

Rosé - We will support them and show you the truth.

Jisoo - You will regret everything you did to them.

Jennie - You will see the reality of them and it will happen very soon.

Lisa - Mark my words, you will never be able to forgive yourselves.

She said and Blackpink left from there.

Jisoo POV -

Jisoo - Go and find them in each room. They need someone to comfort them.

Rosé - Give them strong words to keep them calm. We can do this.

She said and we nodded. We all left to various rooms. Trying to find them, I stopped when I heard some whimpers.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Jin. Hiding his face through his plam, he kept sobbing and the tears flowed continuously.

I walked towards him and kept my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and I know he is shocked. He wiped his tears immediately.

Jin - What are you doing here?

Jisoo - I am here to comfort you, Jin.

Jin - No one can do that.

Jisoo - Why?

Jin - Because the damage has been done.

He said and looked down.

Jisoo - Then let me repair it.

He looked at me again.

Jin - Why are you doing this? You hate me, right? Don't show this drama.

Jisoo - I don't hate you, Jin. It was just anger but leave it. Tell me what has happened?

Jin - Can I trust you, Jisoo?

Jisoo - Yeah, you can. I am here to support you.

I knew what is in his mind but I just want him to say it out on his own. I want his heart to feel light.

Jin - Why they did this?

Jisoo - Because they are fools. They have became blind in love and can't see what is right. But you can, right?

Jin - Yeah!

Jisoo - Then you only show them. You need to prove them that they are wrong.

Jin - How will I?

Jisoo - I will support you and make it sure.

Jin - Will you?

Jisoo - Yeah!

My words worked as he hugged me tightly. I rubbed his back and comforted him.

Jisoo POV end

Rosé POV -

I heard someone sobbing in the room next to the place I was standing. I opened the door and saw Jimin crying his heart out while laying down the bed.

He noticed me and immediately wiped his tears.

Jimin - Just forget what you saw.

He said in a cold voice and I sadly smiled. I sat on the bed beside him and he looked at me emotionless.

Rosé - Why should I forget it?

He bitterly chuckled.

Jimin - Oh sorry, I forgot that it might have been the best sight ever for you, isn't it?

That really broke my heart for some reason. He thinks that? But that isn't the truth.

Rosé - No! Never! Don't even think of it, Jimin. That will never be something enjoyable for me. I am here to console you, Jimin.

Jimin - To console me? I don't want you. Go from here.

He said but I shook my head. His tears were continuously falling down as I wiped it off with my thumb. He was shocked.

Rosé - It's ok if you don't wanna trust me, I should go.

I said and got up but stopped when he said.

Jimin - Will you really support me?

He asked and I smiled and turned back.

Rosé - What do you think else?

I said and he bursted into tears.

Jimin - I never thought they will do this. We just want them to stay safe. We don't want to see them hurt but they don't care.

He said and I sat back as I rubbed his shoulder.

Rosé - They have just lost their senses but you know what is the truth, right?

Jimin - Yeah!

Rosé - Then tell them. Show them the proof and bring them back to their senses. I am with you.

I said and held his hand as he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and consoled him.

Rosé POV end

That's it for today! Hope you like this one! Come on don't be a silent reader, vote and comment also.

Bye Bye!

Radhe Radhe!

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