2. Truth

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" you will meet wei ying."  Baoshen sanren straight jump into that so lan wangji allow her to treat him. Lan wangji sent him questing gazes but baoshen sanren urged him to take treatment then she will explain everything. Lan wangjj agreed. Baoshen sanren uses her spiritual power to treat Kan wangji's injuries. After lan wangji was better he wanted to ask questions but hesitated.
"ask what you want to ask"  Baoshen sanred said.
" why you didn't allowed me to join wei ying ? why we are separated ? and what did you mean by I will meet him again?"  Lan wangji asked in one breath. Baoshen sanren sighed then started explaining.
" it was because of curse." 
" a curse? who cursed us?"

"well it is really long and sad story and it is related to your previous birth." Baoshen sanren said and started explaining.

" there were two immortals names xue Feng and jin mi  residing in heavenly realm. Those two were deeply in love with each other since they were child since their fathers weren't in good terms they suffered but somehow married each other. Their nature's were opposite . When xue Feng gained power he become arrogant although his heart was pure. jin mi was thinking how to change his attitude so his husband won't suffer any loss in future. One day in heavenly realm one Saint visited but since he was a saint he wasn't used to their luxury and was quiet uncomfortable. One day he was walking but he slipped . xue Feng didn't control his laugh and started laughing.  Saint felt disrespected and angered by laughing sound he cursed xue Feng to be donkey as donkey was hardworking animal but he was often used as insult and laughed at also. xue feng was ashamed of his behavior he was a person from heavenly realm but his behavior wasn't good he should get punished and he happily accepted the curse. When jin mi came to know about his husband's curse she insisted to join him xue Feng refused her but she said she was his wife and she has equal share in his blessing as well as curse. So she joined him and became donkey . They born as a donkey and was quiet peaceful except for the fact that they are working hard still being insulted and laughed at but both ignored all this and happily took punishment until one day when xue Feng was in fields and suddenly a man hunted him , man killed him  and gifted him to the king. jin mi was resentful and sad about his husband's death  , even if she was donkey she cried very badly she goes to the entrance of a temple and mourn on his husband's death and demanded justice from Gods.  Her spirit communicated with God , God asked her to be patient and said even if she didn't come here she will still get justice but everything will happen at their own time . She trusted Gods very much and felt a little bad as she should know Gods will always uphold justice and no one can escape that as she saw it with her own eyes. gods even uphold justice for a single tear drop. and gods doing their work indeed punished that man. His name was xie yun , your previous birth  unknowingly you separated two love birds and got cursed since wei ying is your soulmate he  shared your curse and grief. That's why you two are separated but as xue Feng and jin mi met again in immortal world you will meet him again too but not in this birth xue Feng and jin mi were separated for a birth so will you. As for why I kept you from dying it was because wei ying's soul is broken he didn't take birth anywhere yet he is focused on healing himself and if you die now and take birth you will probably miss each other in your next birth so I asked you to be fine." Baoshen sanren complete her story.
" how long will I have to live here ? when will I be able to join wei ying and since I got that curse but wei ying suffered his entire life , is there also a reason for that?"  asked Lan wangji.

" As for how long will you have to live here you will find it yourself. Ofcourse wei ying suffered because of reasons there is nothing in this world that happen without any reason. just like I am telling you all this so you could join wei ying." baoshen sanren replied.

" you said that everything has a reason so while I live here I also have any purpose? and why you want me to meet wei ying?" Lan wangji knew he was quiet rude but he just couldn't help it.

" yes you are living here for a purpose. You have to clear your lovers name he was framed . As for second question  wei ying is God's favorite so they want me to warn you so that you can meet him." Baoshen senren sighed as she knew how playful the goddess were.

After doing her work Master sanren returned to her mountain without any service as she had another work.

Lan wangji was determined to clear his lovers name he was ready to endure the curse. After telling to his brother he started to looking for evidences.


Author's Note

well I just wanted James for two immortals so I just picked the names . Hope any ashes of love fan didn't get offended

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