TWENTY TWO, bathroom mirror

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#% ILLIAD MOON <3 !!!

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#% ILLIAD MOON <3 !!!

i stare down at my plate at dinner. not a single word has come from my body in over 10 minutes. why was he there?

na jaemin in the flesh.

right there.

what could he possibly be doing here.

"i'm going to go to the bathroom really quickly!" i say to the boys. they all say a quick 'okay!' before going back to their conversations.

i watch as hyunjin's head turns towards me, his eyes follow me until i'm through the gymnasium doors.

i walk along the hallways and trace them, remembering the pathways from when i went here.

i find the bathroom and run into it.

my feet take me to the sink and i look at the mirror hanging above it. my hands grip the ceramic so tight, i fear it is going to crumble beneath my shaking hands.

i think about the time ara gwan stood behind me while i washed my hands.

she said vile things about my appearance as i tried my best to tune every thing she said out. it didn't work though, i heard every single word she said to me.

i went home after school and cried the entire night.

i notice that my eyes are swelled up with large tears that are just begging to fall down my face. i don't know if it's from seeing jaemin or remembering all the awful things that happened to me in this school.

i grab a paper towel from the dispenser and tap at my eyes, trying my best to get rid of the tears.

my chest falls up and then down as i breathe heavily. a tear escapes my eye and falls down my face.

i shake my head, letting my chin fall and touch my chest.

the sudden noise of the door opening scares the living daylights out of me. i swear i jump fifteen feet in the air. my head turns as my body does.

ara gwan stands in the doorway, she's as shocked to see me as i am shocked to see her.

"oh" is the only word that leaves her mouth as the two of us stare at each other. i take in her appearance while i can.

she's still tall, still skinny, still beautiful. of course.

she has bangs now, much like i did in high school. her hair is cut short now, just like mine was in high school. she still wears a face full of make up, i started after moving to new york.

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