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Everyday is the same. Unless you're going somewhere special. Logan and I are going to the beach today. In my stomach, I felt something weird. Like, whenever I'm with Logan, something always feels weird in my stomach. I've never felt something this way, so it's weird for me.

(After school, outside of school)

"What's wrong," Logan asked. "Oh. I'm just feeling something weird in my stomach. Like, it tickles inside," I said. Logan smiled and looked at the ground with a little laugh. "What? What's wrong with it?! Is it something serious," I said. "Nahh. It's actually a good thing," he said, still smiling.

"So, um, about yesterday, it was fun with you," he said. "Yah. You're welcome by the way. You know, because you said "Thank you" last night?" I asked. "Yah.... Oh hey look, it's the beach," he said. "You ready to cruise?" I said. "I was born ready." We both laughed at that.

Logan went to the boardwalk before me. We did a little competition to see who is faster. Of course, I won that competition. We laughed about pointless things that we told each other.

The wind blew in his face, and when I looked at him, his brown hair was flowy and looked soft. His Ray-Ban sunglasses were the same as mine, Wayfarers. He was wearing a red flannel with black skinny jeans. His shoes were the black Vans.

I was wearing this red flannel skinny jeans with a plain black V- neck shirt. We were matching, but it was backwards. Does that make sense?

Logan and I asked each other questions about each other back and forth. Then, he asked me for advice. "Athena, I need advice," he said, nervously. "C'mon. What's up?" I asked.

"Well, there's this girl. I've been hanging out with her alot lately. And I'm starting to like her. I don't know if I should tell her or not tell her," he said, looking down.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach again right after he said that. "Well, I'm not really a professional about love, well, because I've never been in love before, but honestly, if I was you, I would tell her because, ya know, she might like you back. You'll never know unless you try," I said, with an inspirational voice. I didn't want to think that he was thinking about me. It's impossible he likes me. I'm too low for him. He's already popular, and I'm like invisble even though I've been in that school for about how ever many years I've been in high school. "Thanks Athena..." He said.

"No problem. But, ask your mom too. I have no idea what love is," I said. "Athena, someday you will," he said.

You know what's different right now? The name he calls me. He usually calls me 'Ms. Rose', but... What happened?

"Is there something wrong? You were okay just an hour ago," I said, stopping him from cruising. "Nothing. You wanna sit down over there?" He asked. He pointed at the beach, where the sand was. "Sure," I said.

We made our way towards the sunset. Logan unbuttoned his red, oversized flannel. He put it on the sand so we could sit. "The sunset is so beautiful," I said. Just like your eyes, I thought. "Let's take a selfie," he said. "Well then. The first guy I've ever heard say that," I said. He laughed at that. We took a picture on his phone. I took my polaroid out and asked him if we could take a picture there. "Why me? It's yours," he said.

"Logan, you have longer arms than me. My arms are like short," I said. "Haha. Like you?" He said, laughing. "I'm just joking," he said. "Haha, very funny joke," I said with sarcasm. He took the picture and the film came out. "Can we take another one? I want one for my own," he said. "Films are like $97492, but, memories. So okay," I said. We took another picture on my polaroid. After about ten minutes of waiting, the films are finally developed. The picture turned out great. I put my picture inside my backpack. "Hey, send me that 'selfie' we took," I said. "Aight. Got it," he said.

Changing the subject, I asked,"So about this... 'girl', when did y'all meet?"

"Well, my first day of school here," he said. "Is she in band?" I asked. "Yah, why? You know her?"

"No. Duh," I said. We met at his first day of school. I'm in band, so... ATHENA SERIOUSLY STOP. He met alot of girls at his first day of school. And there are alot of girls in band, I thought.

"I'm tired now," I said. After I said that, he put his hand on my head and layed it down on his shoulder. Then I had that weird, ticklish feeling again. "But look at the sunset. You'll never get tired of it," he said. We looked at the sunset together. This was the best day ever. "C'mon, let's go get snowcones," he said.

Logan and I stood up. We went to the snowcone stand. "What flavor?" He asked me. "Blueberry. Here, my money," I said. "No no. Don't worry. I'll pay. My treat," he said, smiling. "If you say so," I said.

We ate, or drank, our snowcones on our way home. I wanted to go home because I was tired, but I didn't want this day to end. "Wow, it's cold tonight," I said. He took his flannel and wrapped it around me. "Thanks, Mr. Preston," I said. "Anything for you, Ms. Rose," he said. Aaaaand, my name is back! Yes! Honestly, I only called him 'Mr. Preston' to see if he will call me 'Ms. Rose'.

We arrived my house. Logan told me goodbye and so did I.

I did the casual night routine again, just like everynight. I realized I forgot to give Logan his flannel back. So I texted him.

(Conversation with Logan)

ATHENA: Hey. Just wanted to say that I forgot to give you your flannel back. Sorry...
LOGAN: No, it's fine. I have plenty of them in my closet. Keep it. Haha
ATHENA: Okay. Well I have to go now. You know, the casual, school tomorrow? Bye
LOGAN: Same. Bye.

(End of conversation)

After that, I did my night routine. I hung his flannel on my rolling chair. Instead of going to sleep, I thought about today. Everything he did to me was... nice? Why is he doing this to me? Is it real?

But the way he layed my head on his shoulder.

While I was laying on my bed, I thought about this 'girl' he was talking about. And also, this weird feeling in my stomach everytime I was with him. Does he have superpowers? What the heck?

But about the girl, who is she? I honestly thought it was me, but that's impossible.

As I was thinking about these questions, I fell asleep.

Well, there's no cliffhanger, again. WHICH IS KINDA BAD. I reallyyyyyyy want a cliffhanger just because. Yes, I was listening to 'The Vamps' while working on this chapter. It fricking gets me. I was gonna put another song of them, but I thought it doesn't have anything to do about this chapter. But, it was also hard to find a video that is NOT blocked in here. And yes! This chapter was short *cough cough* just like my other chapters *cough cough*. But, I promise y'all, soon, it's gonna be good. Like, no kidding at all.

Also! About the cover, yesss, I changed it because:
One- I wanted to.
Two- My old cover is cartoony. Lol.
But I really hope you guys like my new cover!! Also, I get that the boards in the picture weren't penny boards. I just used that one because I couldn't find couples penny boarding and stuff. There were a few, but the other person had a different board. So I just picked this one because it was cute and RELATIONSHIP GOALS AF. Bruhh!!!! AHHHH. Well that's all y'all! Have a good life!


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