Year 2: Detention

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Chapter Summary: It was only the start of Younghyun's second year at Hogwarts and he was already getting detention. At least, he was stuck in detention with his favorite person in Hogwarts.



Brian was excited, and that surprised his parents. Jaehyung already knew why he was excited. Brian was up early that day, the day they were returning to Hogwarts. He happily greeted his parents with a good morning before eating breakfast. A lot of breakfast.

Jaehyung would be going to the platform with him alone this time since Brian's parents had some errands to run. But before that, his father questioned him.

"So, Younghyun," he started. "This is new, why are you excited?"

"I don't have to have a reason, right? I just want to get back to Hogwarts," Brian brightly answered as he ate.

"Oh, but there is," Jaehyung butted in, eating as well.

He had always been treated by Brian's parents as their son, too. Since his mother was busy in the muggle world, and his father in the Ministry, he would often be alone in their house.

So, every morning, he was with the Kangs, their neighbor, and he would go home every night. Besides, he was Brian's best friend since he was a toddler, so he was already part of their family as well.

Brian gave a look to Jaehyung, who either failed to see it or refused to acknowledge it.

"Oh? What is it?" his mother asked, interested.

"There's this boy —"

"Isn't it time we go? We were almost late the first time. Shouldn't we go while it's still early?" Brian cut Jaehyung.

"Wait a minute," his father folded up the paper of the Daily Prophet and sat up to lean at the table. "A boy?"

Brian got nervous as he looked down at his food.

"A boy your age?" his mother asked, and Jaehyung answered for him.

"Yes, he's also a second-year now. He's a Hufflepuff —"

"Oh, Brian," his father helplessly sighed.

"It's nothing! He's just a new friend —"

'No, he wasn't just a new friend, you dimwit! He's a special new friend,' his inner voice argued with him.

"Abeonim!" Jaehyung called. "We found this mirror inside a room."

"Mirror?" his father said. "Ah, the mirror! What about it?"

"Tell him what you saw, Brian! I saw myself laughing hysterically," Jaehyung said.

"I... saw myself as an Auror," Brian looked at his father and that was a wrong move.

His father narrowed his eyes, "Say that again?"

His mother sighed, "Younghyun, you know lying doesn't work on your father."

Jaehyung blinked when Brian frowned as he stared at his food.

"I... saw... him..." Brian mumbled quietly.

"You saw that boy with you? In that mirror?" his father questioned.

Brian silently nodded. Jaehyung couldn't believe it. Mark was right. How is Mark smarter than him? He found it outrageous.

"What was he doing?" his mother asked, and Brian kept quiet.

The doorbell rang and Jaehyung stood up, "I'll get it! Abeonim, I told Mark your address!"

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