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The darkness of the night surrender to the sun as the dawn rose. The golden ray shined all over the city of baghbad.
Ayesha woke up to the soft glow of the morning sun filtering through the simple curtains of her modest home. As an ordinary woman living in the busy city, she led a life filled with the beauty of everyday routines.

The distant call to prayer from the local mosque echoed in the air, marking the beginning of a new day. Ayesha smiled as she listened to the familiar sound, a comforting reminder of her faith and connection to her community.

After offering her morning prayers, Ayesha set about her daily chores. The city was already coming to life with the hustle and bustle of everyday activities. Street vendors were arranging their stalls, and the tantalizing aroma of fresh bread filled the air from the nearby bakery.

Her day often began with a trip to the local market, where she would purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and other necessities for herself and her sister Farah. The bazaar was a vibrant mixture of colors and scents, and she relished the lively atmosphere as she interacted with the friendly merchants.

As the sun rose higher, Ayesha made her way back home, where her sister still slept.

Ayesha reached her house and unlocked her oak door as she stumbled inside with her hands full.

She quickly made her way towards the kitchen and settled down the produces for the day.
As Ayesha washed her face with some water to remove the sweat from the heat, she realized that her sister was still asleep.

Wiping her face with a towel. She made her way outside the kitchen and into their bedroom, slowly she quietly tip toed as she sat beside Farah and gently patted her head.

"Wake up janem" she whispered in her ear and Farah slowly opened her eyes.

She quickly sat up and tried to wake herself up from her sleep while rubbing her eye. "Ukhti?" Farah said looking at Ayesha. "Yes janem?" Ayesha kissed her forehead while patting her head encouraging her to wake up. "La nothing ukhti".

Moments went by and Ayesha had asked Farah to get up and wash herself up to get ready for the day and she quietly got up and stumbled her way to wash her face.

When Farah was done with her usual routine she offered her prayers and made her dua. She quickly got up as she smelled the aromatics around her and got up happily knowing that her sister was making them something delicious. She ran towards the kitchen and saw her sister stirring something in the pot.

Farah came closer and tried to look inside the pot. "What are you making ukhti?" She asked while bending down to smell the beautiful spices that roamed around the house.

"I'm making us beef stew janem" Ayesha said as she added more wood to the hungry, blazing fire.

Farah sat beside Ayesha and watched her sister create a dish that could make anyone drool. She couldn't help but notice how the fire was going up again and again trying to reach the top corners of the pot, as if trying to taste some of the stew itself. "Wow ukhti! It looks so delicious" Farah said exclaiming happily.

Ayesha gestured to Farah towards a cabinet, "go get me another pot, fill it with water". Farah quickly nodded and pulled opened the cabinet's doors and took out a pot. She took it and filled it with water and placed it on the empty fire. "Good job janem" Ayesha said as she took the stew's pot and placed it on the counter.

As the both sat on the ground, they patiently waited for the water to boil until a subtle knock came from their door. "Go janem, it must be Azim there" Ayesha said.

Farah nodded and she quickly walked over to the living room escaping from the heat into the fresh breeze and stood infront of the door.

"Who is it?" Farah asked as she slowly opened the door while peeking.

"Salaam sayidati. Is anyone home?"
The men asked the peeking eyes as they closed the door hurriedly. Farah rushed back inside and told Ayesha that Azim was not there but a strange men stood there.

Ayesha quickly got on her feet and took her shawl over her head and went to the door to see who this strange men was.

As she opened the door she was greeted by a men who's eyes danced in joy. His face was a charm that could capture anyone's sight yet his hair was hidden under his helmet.The men seemed to be a royal guard for he wore the royal armour of the army. He stood tall and proud as he was ready to convey the demanding and unweaving requests of the khalifa.

"Salaam" his soft voice spoke as Ayesha greeted his kindness back.

"The city of baghbad is invited to the palace of Nour" He said as he handed Ayesha a paper scroll tied with a navy blue ribbon. "You are invited sayidati, as well as the young lady behind you" he said with a smile as Farah hid behind Ayesha.

"For what reasons is the kind khalifa inviting us?" Ayesha asked as she eyed the scroll and then looked back at the messenger confused.

"The khalifa wants to see the well being of his subjects. He is worried as it has been a long time since he had seen the people of baghbad." The men explained as he got up on his brown horse as his bag of scrolls moved with him in a hurry.

"We hope you will come." he said before he went off in the distance towards the  bazaar. It seemed like to Ayesha that he had a hefty amount of Scrolls inside his bag to deliver to the subjects since he was in a hurry.

Ayesha closed the door and behind her Farah stood. "What does it say ukhti?" She asked while being curious.

"Let's find out shall we?" Ayesha said as they went inside after closing the door and she sat down at the chair so did Farah beside her. Ayesha placed the scroll down on the table and untied the blue ribbon which revealed a beautiful writing.

Dear Ayesha and Farah

I hope that you are doing well in the city of baghbad. It has been come to my concern that I have not met you in a long while. I have finally made some peace in the courtrooms of the palace and arranged a time of pleasure as well.

In hopes that you will arrive tomorrow evening.

Ayesha ended her narration for Farah. The letter stopped its cursuve writing with a scribble that looked like a sign. It had the initial A in it.
Ali she muttered to herself. She could have sworn that had heard that name before yet she did not remember. There must be a reason to why her name was mentioned in the invitation.

"It seems like to me someone has written it to us" Farah said as she got off the chair and headed to the kitchen where the water boiled.
"Seems like you are right janem" Ayesha said getting of her chair and following Farah.

Ayesha was a smart person who was always intrigued by books and magazines. She could not help herself and would even listen to the poor elderly tales as they had a lot to reveal about baghbad and it's palace.

While Ayesha followed the path of intelligence, Farah was always adventours and was always a curious kid leading her to discover new things about the world around her. Even as a 6 year old she did not back down and was brave and strong.

The sun started to come down from the heights of the sky while Farah sat on the table as Ayesha bought out the delicious food for them to eat. While they ate Ayesha asked Farah a question.

"Janem would you like to go to the palace of Nour?" She asked. Knowing Ayesha herself was never interested in things like these but Farah was.
"Yes!" Farah replied back as soon as her question ended.
"Well if that's so then we have a long day ahead of us" Ayesha said while eating her food.
"That means..." Farah said while drum rolling on the table.
"Adventure time!" Both of them announced happily.


I changed the story a tiny weeny bit so uh forgive me and my poor soul

janem. (dear)
Ukhti   (sister)
Sayidati  [my lady (formal)]
Sayidi   (title of respect for males)
La          (no)


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