Confessions. 🤭

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This chapter is slightly shorter then most of my other ones but I hope you guys enjoy it! I'm sure you atleast slightly will based off the title. 🤷🏻

<Shadow's P.O.V>
It had been around maybe a week after Sonic had moved in, I wasn't keeping count of the days so that's just an estimate. We had usually minding our own business, for me it was mostly because I wasn't used to my feelings yet, but he seemed completely calm since I saw him have that breakdown.. He never told me what it was about.

Maybe I should talk to him again? It might make us less.. Awkward, plus I should probably get used to my feelings since he lives with me anyway. This is most likely going to be the most emotional roller coaster of my life.

I walked up to his room, and knocked on the door after atleast a minute of contemplating if I should actually talk to him now. His voice sounded from inside the room.

"Come in!" I opened the door, and walked inside. He was just sitting on the bed that I originally had in the guest room before he moved in. He smiled at me.

"Did you need something, Shad?" He asked me as I walked over to his bed, and sat next to him on the edge of it. I thought about how to respond.

"I just wanted to talk, I guess. We haven't really been interacting with each other since you moved in." He nodded in agreement, and made it so he was sitting directly next to me.

"Is there anything in specific you wanted to talk about?" I thought for a long moment, but that didn't seem to bother him since he was a little deeper in thought than I am.

"Well I never asked when it was like to live out in the forest for most of your life. What was that like?" This snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked over at me. He gave me a grin that looked really genuine, and started talking about it in detail.

~A few minutes later.~

I was barely paying attention to what he was actually saying, and just watched him as he did. I was practically in a trance when I noticed him waving his hand infront of me.

"Mobius to Shadow?" Was the first thing I heard when I got out of my trance. It took me a second to regain my composure.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry about that. What were you saying?" I tried to get caught up with what I missed in that time.

"I was asking if you heard a single word I said?"

"I heard the first minute of it." He laughed.

"So barely anything?" I nodded.

"Yeah." It took him a bit to stop laughing at me.

"Well, since you didn't listen that time, do you have any other things in mind?" I had to think before I remembered I still don't know why he was upset that day.

"...Why were you so upset the other day?" He seemed caught off-guard by this, and looked away. It took him a minute to respond.

"Uhm.. I had a lot on my mind." I stayed quiet for a moment, half expecting him to clarify. I spoke up when he didn't speak again.

"What was on your mind?" It again took him a bit to respond, but he eventually did.

"I was trying to wrap my head around moving, and.." He stopped, looking nervous about continuing.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Sonic." He shook his head.

"I want to."

"Okay, then just take your time if you have to." He nodded this time. It took him a little, but he continued.

"I was thinking about you.." This confused me.


"I like you.." I blushed. This can't be happening. He actually likes me? There's no way.

"You.. Like me?" He nodded again. This is real.

"Do you?" He looked at me. I nodded this time.

"Yeah." He was blushing now too. This still didn't feel real, but it was. Time didn't feel as fast.

Without any warning I suddenly felt him bring me into a tight hug. It took me a secojd to react but I soon wrapped my arms around him aswell.

We spent most of the day like that.

That's kinda gay imo, ya'll agree?
I hope you guys liked it, it took me a few days cuz I'm still tryna get my motivation back a bit lol.

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