The Average Day With The Signs

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6:00 Virgo woke up and before they bathe, wash the whole bathroom. After brushed their teeth, they put the toothbrush brought into a sterile bag in a special place ... away from other roommates brushes!

6:15 Capricorn is getting up and turn off the boiler - the night tariff of electricity is over.

6:20 Aquarius is going out for their morning jogging.

6:30 Libra and Leo are in front of the mirror and they are fighting for moisturizing cream and hair gel.

6:40 Taurus is eating Nutella for breakfast with a spoonful.

6:45 Sagittarius gets up and turns the boiler on.

7:00 Cancer makes sandwiches, Virgo is squeezing fruits . Gemini is still in bed and on their phone - check mail, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

7:05 Scorpio breaks the bathroom door - the Libra goes out mortally offended with toilet kit in their hands.

7:10 Aries is getting up and includes the stopwatch.

7:11:45 Aries is showered, dressed, shod and run down the staircase. Turns off the stopwatch.

7:15 Taurus with a spoon scraped the jar. No more Nutella.

7:20 Libra and Leo are facing the mirror - one last chance to look at and admire themselves before leaving.

7:30 Aquarius is bathing with a cold water. Capricorn turned off the boiler again.

7:40 Everyone are leaving the apartment.

7:45 Gemini returns, forgets one of their 3 phones.

7:50 Gemini returns again, forgot their wallet.

8:00 Pisces wakes up and realizes that everyone left and locked them in the apartment.

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