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They better hurry up, they took the convoy - Tej reported on the radio - and Dom Letty is with them

Continue with the plan - Dom ordered, Han and I got on the bikes and approached the road-

Done, you heard it, let's do this quickly and cleanly, they go towards you -after a few minutes tej spoke on the radio- Ah I think we have to use another plan, they have a tank

That? Did you say they have a tank?

Shit! -The car realized that I was going towards them and crashed my motorcycle against the wall, which made me hold on to the jepp, I was exposed outside holding on to one of the jepp's irons, Han jumped into the car and made it change direction when he realized that a car was in front of me, before I crashed into it, I took out the gun and pointed at the guy while Han was driving the jepp, Han turned to see me and we both smiled

Does anyone have a plan B?

Plan B, C D anyway the whole alphabet

Hey let's do what we know how to do best

And that is?

Let's improvise, shall we?


Everything on the bridge was in chaos, Hobbs's people arrived and arrested Shaw and his team

It is incredible that they stole a 70-ton tank for an 80-gram chip -the military mentioned-

That 80 gram chip is deadlier than hundreds of those tanks

And what about her? -She approached Letty-

Nobody touches her -Dom said approaching Letty with Brian

I worked with Shaw

You said it, she worked, she has always been one of ours-Dom answered and they both stared at each other for a while

Give them a minute-Ordered Hobbs and the soldier left angrily -

Where do you think we live the next adventure? -Ask Han sitting next to me -

What do you think, if we settle down -I mentioned with a smile-

Where does it happen to you?

In Tokyo, the two of us always talk about Tokyo

Well, Tokyo will be -He smiled with me, I leaned my head on her shoulder-

I love you -I said quickly, I raised my head to see her face-I love you Han and I want to be with you, I want everything with you -I said close to her face

It's what I want the most precious -She replied with a big smile -Let's do this together

Aren't you still mad at me?

Angry? Because it would be?

I'm sorry I distanced myself

You needed time and space and I gave it to you and it was worth it -He said leaning my shoulder on his chest- You are worth everything

Hey Toretto -Hobbs spoke coming down the stairs with Shaw and his men, we all approached and stood in front of Shaw-

Do you really think they won? The Code that governs your life, is the reason you didn't even enter the game, I told you clearly what would happen if you didn't retire Toretto, But you didn't listen. I had told you that I could break you, when I wanted and I did it in the end, I should call Mia -Shaw said and his gaze fixed on Brian, he took out his phone and dialed the number, when he received an answer from the other side he rushed towards Shaw and hit him, Tej and Roman approached to separate him -

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