-special chapter-

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a little boy, around the age of 4, groggily walked into a large dining room, holding a blanket covered in animated hamsters in one hand and a small dummy in another.

"eomma?" he called out, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness.

his mother, who was busy doing work, looked up seeing the small figure standing by the doorframe.

"aww baby, come here." she cooed, holding out her arms. the boy immediately ran into her arms, his tiny hands wrapping around her neck.

"where's appa?" he asked, burying his face in his mother's chest.

"he's at work, honey," his mother explained.

she gently rubbed his back before asking, "are you hungry?"

the child looked up with a pout on his face. "uh-uh."

the woman chuckled, poking her son's cheek. "your such a cutie."

that must have made him mad though, because his face suddenly soured and he crossed his arms. "no."

the blanket he was holding fell to the ground. choyeon picked it up, staring at it for a minute. she smiled, wrapping it around her son.

"you know, have i ever told you about the person i named you after?" she suddenly asked, making the young child look up at her in curiosity.

"no." he shook his head.

"do you want to know?" she beamed.

"yes, yes!" he nodded his head enthusiastically. choyeon put her laptop to the side, grabbing her son and placing him on the table in front of her.

then she began her story, "you see, when i was about 16-ish, i had this friend. he was very kind hearted, a pure soul. but his brother was evil and took him away from me. did you know if it hadn't been for this boy, eomma might not have even been here today?"

the boy's eyes widened in shock. "jinjja?!"

choyeon nodded curtly, "this boy was almost my everything- my eternal best friend. lee heeseung. whom i loved very dearly. whom i keep close in my heart even this day. whom i'm always and forever grateful for. whom who saved me when i couldnt save myself.  whom i named my child after because i never wanted to forget him."

her son had another thought in his mind, "you loved him...? like you love appa?"

choyeon's smile faltered, and she sighed. "aniya, little heeseungie. i loved him in a different way."

"how?" the boy asked with a straight face.

choyeon laughed, "that's enough story telling for today child. you're going back to sleep." heeseung squirmed in her arms as she carried him back to his bedroom. she placed him in his cot. "appa will be back soon, and he'll be super angry if he sees that you're not asleep yet," she firmly warned her child.

the child eventually complied, laying himself down.

"wait eomma-" his small voice made her turn around from walking out of his nursery.

"yes baby?"

"i have a wish."

choyeon crossed her arms, leaning on against the door. "oh really? what is it?"

"i want to meet heeseung samchon."

he looked at his mother with an innocent smile.

choyeon gulped, forcing out a smile. "one day my child. one day."

heeseung nodded, laying down on his bed again.

choyeon watched her son settle with a heavy heart, knowing that she may never be able to fulfill his desire. she stepped out of his room, turning off the lights.



hi y/n
are you there??!
tsk, i have to make this quick
since god knows what ur doing
but i'm leaving
my brother's been up to shit in his gang again
and now they're after him
we're moving
like out of the country
heedo was suggesting japan
maybe i'll be back
or maybe even not
i'll miss you
a lot
thank you for being my best friend

heeseung im sorry i couldnt be there in time
i wanted to say goodbye so bad
but things were planned out different
ill try my best to fill in the gap you left
ill never forget you and will forever be grateful to you for saving me
multiple times🤣
im glad i found you in this lifetime
all the best :)
love you💗

💬 heeseung is now typing .   ·   .

╰┈─➤ the end.
⸝⸝ʚ!⌗°• 224

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