A Little Salt and Budding Trust/The World of Binding

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Evening fell, and still caught up in her war planning, Robyn realized she had once again missed dinner.

That's strange.. and I don't even feel hungry either..

The random thought from earlier flitted through her mind.

I need miso soup..

While she couldn't recall any specific memories of her past life, she somehow knew that style of food was common in her world. It was strange not remembering who she was or her life before this, yet she knew about her world's food and music like the back of her hand. And no one would be in the mess hall. She could relax a bit.

Throwing up her hood to conceal her face, Robyn strolled down the halls, her cloak billowing out behind her. She paused briefly to glance at Takumi's door, which was firmly closed.

I wonder if he's still awake.. I don't want to bother him..

Turning away, she headed towards the staircase.

"Why did I have to lose track of time.." Takumi muttered under his breath.

The sun was now just a faint sliver in the sky as he marched through the archery field, his Fujin Yumi slung over his back. He knew the Summoner had said he was the best archer in the army, but he still felt out of sorts if he didn't practice every day. So even when the other heroes had turned in for the night, still the Hoshidan prince remained, firing arrow after arrow at the targets. The hallways were dimly lit by the candles as Takumi stepped into the hallway, stifling a groan.

I guess I missed dinner.. he thought ruefully, noting the silence. I'll have to settle for some rice balls I guess.

He wasn't the best cook, but those were easy enough to make. He just wished he had something more substantial, but most of the kitchen ingredients were foreign. A warm, familiar scent stopped him in his tracks as he neared the mess hall.

Is that.. miso soup?

It was a common Hoshidan dish that happened to be his favorite, and a frown crept upon his features. As far as he knew, no one from Hoshido had been summoned there, otherwise he'd have recognized them. Curious, he made his way into the kitchen to see a familiar black cloak, humming softly to herself as she hovered over a simmering pot.

"..Robyn?" he called softly, as if not to scare her as he leaned against the wall.

She jumped a little and turned, relaxing when she noticed him.

"Ah.. Takumi! You startled me.."

"Sorry.." he mumbled, averting his eyes. There was a brief, awkward silence, and the prince found he couldn't resist blurting out. "I didn't know you were familiar with Hoshidan food."

"Hoshidan food?"

The Summoner titled her head for a moment before she glanced back at the pot and her tone suddenly brightened, catching him off guard.

"Wait.. you make miso soup in Hoshido too? No one here seems to have heard of it. In fact, Ricken said it sounded weird."


Takumi found himself relaxing as the words flowed easily from his lips. He loved talking about his country and knowing he and the Summoner had something in common piqued his interest. Was her world just like his?

"It's a common food where I'm from. My favorite actually. My siblings and I would have it in the morning with rice and fish. Sometimes daikon too. Or omelette."

"I see."

Was that a smile on the Summoner's lips as she turned back to the stove?

"Were you coming here to make some?"

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