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song recommendation: #icanteven - the neighborhood




responsibility for a fault or wrong.

Nishimura Riki was an evil man in many opinions. Some say, he gets what he wants at all costs. Which is not necessarily a good thing. He spares no one. 


Riki sat in the dark, secluded room, with a drink of freshly poured vodka in the grip of his left hand. Whilst the right held a freshly lit cigarette. But, his attention was no where near the two objects. 

His keen, sharp, dangerous eyes observed out into the crowd of drunken adults. He watched how their bodies messily grinded upon each other. Though, he did not come here to watch. 

You see, Riki Nishimura had a mission. He came to this nightclub in the middle of Seoul for a distinct reason that is nothing less than immoral. 

His eyes gazed across the slim figure he was meticulously in search of. Riki smirked as he scanned the male from head to toe as said male swayed his body to the music. He was allured by the beautiful man standing 20 feet from where he sat.


Sunoo has had one too many drinks. However, he could not care any less. Sunoo decided today is the day he should let loose and do whatever fucked up thought crossed his mind. 

He knew he would soon to regret it but he could only think about how good the song that was playing was and how good he felt. His mind was clouded and a little blurry yes, but he was fully conscious of his actions. 

Kim Sunoo was not a lightweight.

As Sunoo danced with randoms; he felt a stare from across the room burning into him. With a confused glance, his eye met with a devilish smirking man. Sunoo basically drooled at the sight. 

Of course he's seen beautiful people in his life but this person was different. His aura was scary yet addicting. Sunoo found himself walking without a second thought.

As Sunoo approached the man in the private room, he held direct eye contact and let his teeth snatch his bottom lip in anticipation. 


Riki watched the boy slide smoothly into the booth. He gulped onto the rest of his drink and set it aside. 

"What's a pretty boy like you doing at this place alone?" He raised his eyebrow like he was awaiting an answer from the man. Although, we all know he already knows the reason why. 

Riki was no stranger.

"I got stood up" Sunoo slightly poked out his bottom lip into a small pout while maintaining eye contact. 

"Who could ever stand up a beauty like you?" Rik smirked because he was asking such silly things he already knew the answers to. In return, he never received a reply from the latter. 

Instead, Sunoo looked down at Riki's cigarette and drunkenly asked, "Does that actually taste good?" Sunoo scrunched his face in disgust at the cigarette while Riki smiled. 

"Do you wanna taste?"

Sunoo quickly looked up into his tantalizing eyes and slowly nodded. 

Riki then brought the cigarette to his lips and took a deep puff of the lit, white stick. He then raised his hand up to the boy's jaw, bringing them close enough that he could feel Sunoo's sharp breath and racing pulse. Riki looked into his eyes as if asking for permission from the boy and once he received a sign, he brought down Sunoo's chin to open his mouth agape. 

Riki leaned down and let their lips brush against each other as he shared the white smoke into the smaller's mouth. The whole time he refused to break the tension, and held eye contact.

Afterwards, Sunoo broke the eye contact and slightly coughed. Nonetheless, he enjoyed it and wanted more

Sunoo got an idea and internally smirked. He slowly stood up and enjoyed watching the latter's face turn into confusion. Sunoo raised his leg over the man and straddled him.

Riki was quick to pull himself back together and leaned back in his seat. He rose his eyes to peer at the boy and couldn't help but chuckle. Sunoo frowned at the fact that the man was laughing at him. 

"What are you doing baby?" Riki raised his eyebrows. "Can I not sit here?" Sunoo replied back with a question and an 'innocent' gaze. 

No one said a word as their eyes challenged each other wondering what the other would do next. Riki decided what he wanted, so he took it. 

He brought the cigarette to his lips once more and took Sunoo's chin towards his mouth, breaking the distance and lustfully capturing his lips. The kiss quickly became more heated and desperate. Sunoo gripped onto Riki's hair, slightly tugging at it to bring them as close as possible. Their tongues explored every inch of each other's mouth. Riki groaned into his mouth which made the kiss go even deeper. 

Sunoo backed away and started tracing kisses along the man's jawline; down his neck. Once Sunoo reached the crook of his neck he began leaving love bites to mark what is his. Riki could feel the bites which were painful and pleasuring at the same time. 

He groaned and gripped Sunoo's hips. He then whispered into the latter's ear "Want to get out of here and go to my place baby?"

Sunoo paused and excitedly smiled while nodding 'yes'. 

Riki held Sunoo's waist to remove him from his lap and stood up holding the smaller's hand. Sunoo then realized how tall this mysterious man was and his jaw dropped. The man stood at about 6'3 while Sunoo wouldn't be considered 'short' at 5'10, he was shocked regardless.

They basically sprinted to Riki's fancy sleek car. As he drove off Riki gripped onto Sunoo's thigh while the other hand was steering the vehicle. 

Sunoo looked over to get a good view and almost gasped at how fine the latter was. He looked way hotter with better lighting than that dark room. Riki quickly glanced over and raised his eyebrows in surprise that Sunoo was staring. "What's wrong?" he asked. "You're extremely hot." Sunoo had left his shame in the club, along with his first drink of the night so he had no filter. 

Riki just shook his head as he pulled up to abnormally large home. Sunoo was nothing short of shocked at the size of the house in front of him. 

Riki lead him up to the door step and lead him inside. "Your house is beautiful, wow." 

Riki just smiled and kissed the latter grabbing his thighs and wrapping them around his own waist to carry him up the steps. 

Once they reached the bedroom, Riki put Sunoo in the center of the bed and laid him down. He kept the makeup session going but paused to lift his shirt above his head. Sunoo gazed down at the latter's bare abdomen and brought his hands up to run them down his chest. Riki watched him with a lust filled look and bit his lip. 

"Strip." Riki stated with a blank expression. 

 Chapter one complete.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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