3. Hi, am Ian

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Its been three days since she applied for the job offer, three days and I haven't talked to her...THREE FRICKING DAYS.
And in those three days of temptation to talk to her, i didnt..I couldn't. Because of said pressure.
At the same time embarrassed at my self, i mean seriously! Im 28 years old and I managed to cut college to work in an advertisement agency. But i can't manage to talk to a girl. Well i guess that reasonable, I've always been bad at socialising ever since i had a crush on sara from second grade.

As i was working on my final touches of the toilet paper ad. I realised someone next to me but in a different work unit.
I look to my left and froze by shock....
It was her.
"She, her,, there,.."
I was in complete shock, my hands started to shake, my heart started pounding. I couldn't stop staring at her while she was working(typing) at her desk computer. So there i was, just staring at her, not moving, not talking, just staring.
(Now that i think about it, it was kinda creepy,)
Suddenly, she paused from what she was doing,i was scared that she probably had a feeling someone was staring at her.
...And for the first time in my life, i hated being right.
She very casually looked to the right. And saw me looking at her. Her face was in confusion.
I tried to say something i couldn't think of what to say..so the logical thing to do is to wave and smile. So i did.
Her face was less in confusion and more in a " oh, ok" kind of face.
" hi, um, I'm new here" she said in a welcoming voice"I'm Jane, Jane Mcenly"
She moved to a hand shake position.
"And you are..." She said
"Um, I, I, Im Ian" i said in a stuttering way" Ian berry"
I moved my hand to hers for a hand shake...
I was nervous. She seemed very calm.
We shook hands and i looked at her before getting back to work.
She looked back. She gave a smile and chuckles a little" well. It was good meeting you mr.Ian"
" yeah, yeah..oh and please, just call me Ian" I replied and as well gave a smile....

"Well..would can't finish itself ahha"i said in attempt to make her laugh
" Ahah yeah,....so..."she replied
"Oh crap, nine stages of awkward hell.." I thought to myself." Um, yeah, I..I better get back to work" i said out loud.
"Yeah,yeah..anyway."she replied
I didn't say anything after that because i thought it might lead into more awkward stuff.
So i let the day pass as if it was a regular,normal, everyday-day. But deep inside it was the best day of my life.(and also the worst).

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